Chapter 6, Trigon??

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Wally/Kid Flash's Pov, (Im Back, Back, Back, BACK AGAIN!) 

Klarion The Witch Boy knocked Raven out and I mean clean out with some touchs? Robin and his team got some explaining to do later. "Seems Boy Wonder is back" Klarion smirked looking at Robin. Robin looked upset and now thats 2 things he gotta explain.

Klarion soon blasted the floor next to him and another Robin showed up?!?! "What the?" I whisper stepping back. "I told you before Wally, I didnt do the crimes" Robin then looked at him. The reason Robin left was on camera's many of them....

He killed, stole and many other things and he went missing for some days before coming back. Robin kept saying it wasnt him, some type of clone.... None of us believed him. Next time Im not questioning him AGAIN!

"I got the clone" I smile at Robin who nodded. Soon I ran around the clone fast as I could. Soon he was flying in the air. I run down the building we was on and up another to jump off punching the clone in the face making him fall to the ground.

I landed back on the roof to see Robin being blasted by Klarion. "We are going to need Zatanna" I hear Robin as I rushed to his side. "We need to get you and Raven outta here" I answered back looking up to see Raven still knocked out. 

"You keep Klarion busy, I got Raven" Robin smirked and I smiled. Thats the old Robin I used to know. Soon I ran at Klarion's cat and picked him up. "WHAT A CUTE KITTY" I yelled petting it. Klarion soon looked at me.

"LET GO OF HIM" Klarion tried to blast me but I moved to fast for me. I started to run around making him miss everytime he tried to hit me. I saw Robin pick up Raven and jump off the roof. I soon threw the cat at Klarion and went after them.

Well lets be truthfull thats not a real cat.... As we got back to base everyone rushed to us. BeastBoy helped Robin take Raven into a room. "What happened out there?" Aqualad asked looking at me. I sat there and explained everything.

"Trigon" I hear Starfire whisper as she stepped back. "How? Raven destroyed him" I then hear Cryborg whisper. "Whos Trigon?" Superboy asked crossing his arms. "Ravens father, he wants to destroy the world and if it wasnt for the bond Raven and Robin had it would of happened" Starfire answered.

"How do we stop him then?" I asked and Starfire looked away. "Not sure, it was Ravens white side what stopped him" Crybrog answered as Robin walked in. "If Trigon is coming back this means we are going to have to keep them away from Raven" Robin sighed.

"Dude that didnt end up so well last time, I think I got a burn mark still" BeastBoy mumbles behind him. "Well you have us to help, so maybe this time will be better" M'gann smiled hugging Superboys arm.

 "You guys WANT TO FIGHT A DEMON?!?!" BeastBoy shouted/asked us. I smirk a little as we all nodded. Soon we all started to make a plan to help Raven out. If Slade or Klarion grab Raven the world could be in trouble.

We had Robin on watch first and BeastBoy was next. I zoom into the room to see him thinking. "Blaming yourself?" I asked walking in. Robin looked at me and sighed. "Worried more like" I hear Robin mutter under his breath.

"At lest we know you have feelings, Im not sure if Batman has any" I walk next to him. Robin punched my arm like he use to after I said a bad joke. "Hows you are Art?" Robin then asked smiling a little.

"Great I think, I do sometimes stress her out" I rubbed the back of my neck making Robin laugh. Not going to lie but I kinda missed him over the year or so he has been gone. "You and Starfire?" I asked smirking.

"Still on the starting parts really" Robin smiled as Raven woke up gasping for air. "Raven?" Robin and I asked worried. "Trigon" Raven whispered and Robin put his hand on her shoulder. "He wont win" Robin then smiled at her.

"Robin he will always come back until we find a way to destroy him" Raven soon pulled up her hood. "Ok how do we do that?" I asked crossing my arms. "You cant" Raven whispered and walked out the room.

Robin and I chased after her. "You need rest" Robin grabbed her arm. "I need to get back to the tower and find a way to stop Trigon" Raven snapped pulling her arm back. "Let us come with you" I then got a stare from Robin.

"If you must" Raven mumbles making a portal? Soon Robin and I followed her through and we was in Ravens room I think... "We could ask Zatanna she is into magic stuff to" I mumble looking around. "No way" Robin spoke up.

"I forgot to ask dude, was she a good kisser?" I asked making Robin blush a little! Raven gave me a death stare.... "DUDE" Robin shouted making me smirk. "You was into her at one point, cant I guy ask?" I asked making Robin sigh.

"No one tell Star about this convo" Robin mumbles. "Yeah she was" Robin then nodded making me laugh. "Who better Starfire or Zatanna?" I then asked making Robin punch my arm again. Soon we was both laughing a little.

"Boys" Raven mumbles and out of no where the building started to shake. "What the?" Robin mumbles and all of us went into the main room. Klarion and Slade was standing there. Great here to go again. "Raven get back to Happy Harbor" Robin mumbles.

Soon Klarion blasted Raven into the wall. "She aint going any where" he smirked as his cat started laughing. "KF would you please?" Robin asked and I nodded and grabbed the cat fast and was next to Robin again.

"Anything happens to her, something happens to this cute little kitty" I laughed as the cat grew into a huge CAT! I was then on the ground as the cat had me under its paw. "Help" I mumble and Robin threw smoke bombs on the ground.

Soon I heard the alarm going off and some then some fighting. I then sighed and started to move fast as I could to get out luckly something or someone knocked over the cat making me jump up. I ran around to see Klarion walking towards Raven.

"Now, lets put on a show" Klarion laughed and then Ravens eyes started to glow black?!?! Errr this aint good is it?

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