Chapter 10/Ending For Now

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Zatanna's Pov, (Ello) 

Conner and Aqualad covered me as I started my spell. I closed my eyes trying to find Doctor Fate any where. Even if I have to weak that helmet again I will. To save my friends, my father... Soon I found it. The helmet of Doctor Fate. 

Soon I opened my eyes to see the helmet right in front of me. I grab it smiling. I put the close my eyes putting the helmet on my head. I soon saw myself in my own mind watching what me and Doctor Fate could see.

"Nice to be working with you again young one" Doctor Fate echoed through the place. Well there was nothing much even here. It was very dark blue and one light above my head. "Lets help Raven stop Trigon" I smile knowing Im trapped.

Im stuck here. Like this until I die... I watched as Doctor Fate flew over to the others. Wally, M'gann and Aqualad looked at me worried. "Zatanna" I hear M'gann whispered. "She has chosen to save the world" Doctor Fate looked at M'gann.

Raven soon stepped forward and sighed. "Lets end this" Raven took a deep breath as Robin looked at her worried. "What do we do?" Aqualad soon asked looking at me/Doctor Fate. "Keep him busy" Doctor Fate answered.

Soon everyone ran off but Raven. "Young demon we will need to put our powers together" Doctor Fate stepped towards Raven who nodded. "What do we have to do?" Raven asked and I saw some fire in her eyes.

She wanted Tirgon gone more than anyone. "Give him everything you have, down to your last breath" Doctor Fate answered her. Down to her last breath? He knows something.... Is this going to kill Raven? No, I cant let this happen.

"Fate please try and keep Raven alive" I nearly shouted but go not reply. Im getting a little worried. Soon Doctor Fate and Raven flew up to see everyone fighting Trigon. They was losing. "You first young demon" Doctor Fate didnt even look at Raven.

Raven flew near Trigon making him look at her. "AZRATH METRION ZINTHOS" Raven yelled as loud as she could blasting him. I/Doctor Fate flew behind her and closed our eyes making Doctor Fates mark show up behind him.

"OH GOOD LIGHT" Doctor Fate shouted blasting Trigon along side Raven. It was working. He was getting smaller and smaller. Soon there was a bright light blinding me. Soon as the light cleard up the sky was bright blue.

The buildings where whole again. People looked at each other confused. Doctor Fate/I landed on the ground and looked around for Raven. We turn to see Robin holding her in his arms. "No" I hear BeastBoy whisper rushing over.

He liked her.. Maybe they was dating? Who knows. Soon Doctor Fate mumbled something. I couldt even hear but Raven opened her eyes sitting up gasping. "RAE" BeastBoy yelled hugging her. Raven hugged back.

"Thank you" Robin looked at me/Doctor Fate and I wanted to smile. Sadly I wasnt in control. Everyone was hugging each other cheering we saved the world. Soon we all saw the league flying down down next us.

"Well done" Batman looked at Robin nodding making Robin smile. "Zatanna" I hear my father whisper and Doctor Fate/me turned our head to see him. "Zatara you should be proud of your daughter" Doctor Fate soon turned away from my father.

Am I really stuck here? "Chlidren, Tirgon may not be dead, he could be alive" Doctor Fate told them making Raven look at him worried. Soon he took off the helmet making me gasp for breath. He let me go? Why?

He still wants my father.. "Zatanna" my father sounded worried and I turned around smiling at him. "Your putting it back on, aint you?" I asked and my father nodded. He took the helmet and hugged me before putting it on.

I wanted to cry but I didnt. I had to be strong. For him....

2 Years Later, Robin/Dicks Pov, 

Sadly Im leaving the Titans. Raven was going to take charge what is going to be werid. Starfire and I are now only friends. So many things have happened and Im thinking about giving the name Robin up and get something else.

Not sure what just get. "Your really leaving" I hear BeastBoy behind me. I turn around to see him and the other standing there. "Yeah I am" I sigh as Raven walked towards me. "You better visit or Im calling up Zatanna" Raven snapped before hugging me.

Since she started BeastBoy she is a lot nicer than before. Soon I gave a hug to the whole team before I saw M'gann in her ship waiting for me. Im going to help the old team for a little. This is going to be weird...

I will have to get use to everyone again and the new people. M'gann told me we had new people joining what is fun aint it. I jump on the ship and waved everyone goodbye. "You will see them again Robin" M'gann smiled at me.

"Its not Robin anymore M'gann, its NightWing" I turn around smirking at her. 


Im gonna make a book 2!

Dont worry my peoples!

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