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The painting sounds.. interesting."

"Ah! What I was hoping you should say, I cannot wait to tell you all about it." It is clear to you that Benedict does not give much regard to rules or regulations and so he is quick to snatch your hand and lead you to a large and ornate painting. It is a lovely piece of artwork, you can agree with that much. Although you are not sure it compares to the sketch you saw him do last night. "It is my all time favourite... it is the most... the artist is so talented, do you not think?"

"I should agree."

"(Y/n). I think that we are rather compatible." Benedict's eyes move to your own and he takes a nervous breath inwards. "I have seen that much from the few conversations and interactions we have had. I should wish to court you and I did wonder what your opinions on such were?"

Is it Benedict you burn for?

Yes, I should like that very much - 71

I am sorry. There is someone I prefer. - 72

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