Chapter 3

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Smut. It's kinky too. Femdom kind of kinky. I warned you, so don't come bitchin' to me when you hate it.

Tre's POV

The limo came and picked me up from Mary's apartment. We had band practice a noon.

When I arrived, Mike had already set everything up. "Billie's late again," he explained.

"I thought I'd be the late one today. Oh well. How should we pass time?"

"How about you tell me about that Mary girl? Did anything happen?"

I blushed. "I don't kiss and tell, Mike."

He gasped. "Okay, now you have to tell me."

"Don't mention this to anyone or I'll kill you, okay?"

He nodded. "You have my word."

"We got pretty cozy while watching T.V. Then we tried to make spaghetti, but we got a little... distracted. She took me to this restaurant with some really good waffles. We may or may not have gotten a little frisky there. After all that, we went back to her place and... you can fill in the blank. She fell asleep on top of me. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping," I answered, my smile growing by the second.

Mike nudged me. "Dude, you like her, don't you?"

"Yeah. She's great."

"You know we're leaving soon, right? You can't start getting attached."

"I know. I can't help myself. She's just so wonderful. I wanna know everything about her. I wanna spend all my time with her. I'm falling for her, Mike. I'm falling hard."

Billie walked in with a pair of sunglasses on. "Alright boys, let's get it going. Sorry I'm late."

I walked over to my kit and Mike grabbed his bass.

Billie put his stuff down and uncased his guitar. "Did I interrupt something?"

Mike looked at me and I shook my head. "Tre was just telling me about his girlfriend."

I threw a stick at his head. "Shut up, she's not my girlfriend!"

Billie tuned his guitar. "Who? That girl form the bakery? She's cute," he said, smacking loudly on some gum.

"She totally is your girlfriend," Mike retorted, throwing my drum stick back at me. "You love her."

"I do not. Shut up, Mike," I hissed.

"Make me, short stuff."

"Hey! Break it up, you two. You're acting like children," Billie said, plugging in his guitar.

"He started it," I said.

Billie glared at me. "What did I just say, Tre? Knock it off."

I rolled my eyes. "What song are we starting with?"

In the middle of Jesus of Suburbia, my phone rang. I ignored it the first time, but the ringing started again.

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