Chapter 4

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That song is the best worst thing to ever (dis)grace this earth.

Also, no smut this chapter. I'm too tired to be horny.

"Good morning, sunshine," a familiar voice whispered in my ear.

I woke up slowly to see Tre lying next to me. "Creepy much? I thought I said no funny business."

"I made an exception just this once. You're gonna want to see what I have planned for our three day anniversary."

"Has it only been three days? It feels like it's been at least three weeks."

"I wish we had three weeks. One isn't enough"

"You won't miss me. You'll be fine."

He got under the covers with me and held me close to him. "I'll miss you alright. I've got a big crush on you."

"There's plenty of fish in the sea. It won't be hard for you to find one better than me."

"You're right."

"You're supposed to tell me I'm wrong," I whined.

He kissed my forehead. "You're not wrong though. I could have any girl I want, but I want you. I really like you, Mary."

"I bet. So what's planned for today?"

"I made breakfast for you." He planted small kisses all along my collar bone.

"You can't keep your lips off me, can you?"

"Why would I want to?". His kisses moved upwards while he softly nibbled on my neck.

"Isn't our food getting cold," I moaned, my voice betraying me.

He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes. "Did I do something?"

"No, I'm just hungry."

"Let's eat then. We can resume this when we're done. You can't look until we get there, so cover your eyes.

I got out of bed an covered my eyes. Tre guided me out of the room and sat me down in a chair.

"You can look now."

I uncovered my eyes to see a plate of green eggs and ham with green apples forming a heart around the main dish. "Oh my god, this is the best day of my life."

"It gets better. There's green punch and key lime pie," he said, pulling out a pitcher. 

"Did you do all this?"

"I had a little help with the cooking, but it was my idea. I took the time to cut the apples and arrange them in a heart."

"Dude, you're so getting laid," I said with a smirk.

He chuckled. "Am I?"

"You made me fucking green eggs and ham. You can get anything you want from me."

"Even your credit card and social security numbers?"

"Play your cards right and we'll talk," I laughed. I took a bite of my eggs. "This is literally a dream come true. I could kiss you right now."

"Is it that good?"

"Actually, yeah. You must've stuck your foot in it."

"Ankle deep. And it's got a little spit as well."

"Ooh, my favorite". I hurriedly finished my food, eager to get to the pie. I cut myself a slice and poured some punch. I tasted the pie. "Who helped you make this?"

"Mike helped with the food and Billie helped with the punch."

"Is Mike single?"

"I shall not disclose this information."

"You know I'm joking. No need to get jealous, Frankie". By this point, I had finished everything. "What's next on the agenda?"

Tre wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my neck. "What do you want to do?"


"That's lame. Sleeping isn't sexy."

I stood up. "I'm still wearing the shirt I slept in. What do you think is under here?"

"Maybe sleeping is sexy," he stated, following me to my room.

I curled up in bed, feeling Tre leave a trail of kisses down my back. "I know what you want, mister. You couldn't wait 'til later, could you?"

"I can, but where's the fun in that?"

"Good point," I said, turning to face him. 

Tre laid beside me, our panting in sync. "That was-"


We laid in silence for while until he looked at me with a smile and said, "Ready for round two?"

It's short, I know. Sorry 'bout that. I wanted to get my little fluffy chapter out so I can turn around and back it up with some very... yummy  (yes, that is foreshadowing) smut.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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