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(It has come to my attention, that I apparently have been changing Emilia's age between 19 and 20, I didn't realize this originally and I'm gonna be honest, I don't know which it is and I'm not going to fix it until I actually edit this which is going to be a while, so please comment to tell me which you think it is and which it should be, thank you!)

"This doesn't change my mind, I'm still looking." She gasps, refusing to let the best kiss of her life change her mind. She would figure this out, and he can't stop her.

"I know." His voice is confident and calm as ever, like he wasn't even effected by the kiss, but if he wasn't effected then why did he do it?

Emilia turns and practically falls up the rest of the stairs, trying not to run to her room to escape him, trying to keep her mind on the biggest problem, the one that she couldn't run from, the one who's house she lives in. 

Closing the door as quietly as possible she falls into the desk chair, rolling a little closer and flipping her computer open, her graduation present from her mother. She loved it and had never wanted another one since the day she had received it. 

Flicking open a search engine she tries to remember that cruise company her mom had told her about, what was that name? Oh yes, typing as quickly as her fingers will allow she looks up "Colombo Cruises" and quickly clicks on the news section, not caring to sign up for a cruise.

The news section's first headline is, of course, the news of the Delmont Real Estate company expanding its horizons by taking them on and buying them out, but why? It seemed as if that would cost them so much more to try and take on an entirely new type of business from the one that they are so good at. A frown crosses her face as she closes the tab and continues to flip through more articles, the majority of the recent ones about the same thing, but one nearly a year prior said something entirely different.

Emilia feels slightly hopeful as she clicks on the article, glancing at the article's photograph of a man waving at the photographers as he walks into a court house, and then continues reading. Nearly a year before this, there had been an accident on one of the boats in which several of the company's top employees had been killed in a supposed boat fire, but on closer inspection by the police, it was thought to be sabotaged instead.

The article was definitely interesting, showing quite a few pictures of 7 men and 2 women, all wearing suits and giving the most serious faces of all time as they stare directly into that camera, but near the bottom of the article something stood out to her. The boat was supposed to be a meeting between those employees, and none other than Mr. Delmont's company. He was quoted for saying he was just thankful none of his employees had been injured in the incident, and that he was very sorry that so many had died.

The charges had been brought against Mr. Colombo as if he had sabotaged the boat, but the main witness had gone missing and there was no evidence to support the sentence and the charges had been dropped by the state with only evidence of sabotage, and none linking him to the case. 

But why would Mr. Delmont be linked to this? And why wasn't he on the boat? Emilia wonders, tapping her lips with a finger before searching up 'Colombo boat incident', to try and find more information on this. For such a large accident, not nearly as many articles as she had expected showed up, but scrolling through she finds a small local one that seems like it will go into more detail about it the accident before the sabotage had been discovered.

Mr. Delmont had been asked questions of course, and this time he was quoted that he had been late only because of a scheduling error by his receptionist, which seemed rather suspicious to her, I mean, why were they meeting in the first place? Thankfully the article did continue to discuss how the meeting had been something small to discuss a previous argument between the two of them over a piece of property along the shore as they had entered a small bidding war over it, and soon after the accident Mr. Delmont had won, and there was now a very profitable shipping yard located there supposedly rented by a company that had been involved with both Mr. Delmont and Mr. Colombo for years.

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