The Benders [2]

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~ Unknown Location ~

Sam was asleep in a cage. He jerked awake and observed his surrounding. "Tali?" He looked around and noticed Jenkins asleep in a cage next to his, but no sign of his daughter.


~ County Works Department ~

Dean was sitting on a bench outside the County Works Department, looking at the picture he had taken of Nat sleeping in her cheerios.

Deputy Kathleen walked up behind him, holding printouts of the camera footage. "Greg,"

Dean saw her and stood up.

"I think we've got something." Deputy Kathleen handed Dean the printouts and he looked through them. "These traffic cams take an image every three seconds, as part of the Amber Alert program. These images were all taken around the time that your cousin and his daughter disappeared,"

"This really isn't what I'm looking for," Dean admitted.

"Just wait, wait-next one,"

Dean turned the page and saw an image of a rusty truck driving.

"This one was taken right after Sam and Natalia left the bar. Look at the back end of that thing. Now, look at the plates." Deputy Kathleen explained.

Dean turned another page and saw a close-up image of the truck's license plates "Oh, the plates look new. It's probably stolen,"

"So, whoever's driving that rust bucket must be involved,"

A beat-up van drove by. Its engine was whining loudly.

"Hear that engine?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Deputy Kathleen said.

"Kind of a whining growl, isn't it?"

"Sure," Deputy Kathleen shrugged.

Dean stared at the van as it drove away "I'll be damned,"


~ Unknown Location ~

Sam was trying to kick down the door of his cage, but he failed.

Jenkins groaned as he woke up.

Sam rushed over to talk to him through the bars of their cages. "You're alive,"

Jenkins groaned again.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asked.

"Does it look like I'm doin' okay?" Jenkins snapped.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know. The country, I think. Smells like the country,"

"You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?"


Sam sighed "I was lookin' for ya,"

"Oh, yeah?" Jenkins asked.


"Well, no offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue,"

"Well, my brother's out there right now, too. He's lookin' for us. So..."

"So, he's not gonna find us. We're in the middle of nowhere." Jenkins nodded towards the door leading into the building. "Waiting for them to come back and do God-knows-what to us,"

"What are they? Have you seen them?" Sam questioned.

"Waht are you talking about?"

"Whatever's got us, what'd they look like?"

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