Chapter 2

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It was the following Wednesday morning when Matt awoke to complete silence in the flat, the only sound of life was the cars outside his window. He grabbed his square, brown glasses off his bedside table and grabbed his phone to check the time. It read 5:47am, no wonder nobody in the house was awake yet. Despite James working at a guitar shop and Matt being a geography teacher, neither awoke very early. They would be lucky if they were awake half an hour before they needed to leave the house.

Matt laid in bed for a further ten minutes before realising he didn't shower the previous night after The James Incident. After this realisation Matt slowly got out of bed and grabbed his shower caddy from his dressing table, making his way out of his room and down the hall towards the bathroom. He quickly opened the door and closed it behind him, breathing a sigh of relief when he realised that this time the bathroom was empty. Matt quickly had a shower, washing his curly hair quickly and washing his face using the face wash he had owned for far too long for it to be doing anything good for his skin.

Less than ten minutes later Matt turned off the luke-warm water, their flat seemed to have one water temperature, and wrapped a fluffy white towel around his waist. He stood in front of the mirror and tousled his hair into a slightly presentable state before drying his glasses and placing them on his nose. He grabbed the blue shower caddy and walked out the bathroom, half-asleep from the mildly calming shower, when he felt someone push into him. No, bump into him, an accident. Sometimes he had to remind himself that not everyone was out to get him...
"Sorry," he said, trying to hold back a yawn out of pure politeness.
"Oh it's fine, no worries." a high pitch voice said, and Matt looked down slightly to realise he was face-to-face with Shannon. Now, in any normal situation where he bumped into a woman, he would apologise and quickly move out of her way. But, this was Shannon, someone he had a...small distaste for ever since he saw her snogging James like she was some dementor  from Harry Potter giving the dementor's kiss. So, he did yawn. Trying to make it as over dramatic as possible and somehow convey his dislike to her through a yawn. Matt made a small "hmph" noise and brushed passed Shannon, who he had noticed was dressed already with a full face of makeup on that was perfectly done. And she was wearing James' coat. Again.

As Matt made the short walk back to his room he tried to remember why on earth he cared so much about a coat. While he was getting dressed he thought harder. Maybe it was the sentiment of it? The tweed coat was James' favourite and before Shannon was in the picture he couldn't leave the house without it, even in summer he would try wear it. Although luckily he listened to Matt's begging not to, for he would get heatstroke even in British summer. Maybe it was because Matt was jealous? Or because it reminded him of when James lent him his prized jacket, that moment that made Matt feel like he had a chance with James. That moment quickly passed though...

Once Matt was dressed he left his room and walked the few steps to the kitchen where he was met with the strong smell of coffee and slightly burnt toast. James wasn't up yet, Matt could faintly hear his snoring through the door, so it must have been Shannon that was drinking plain black coffee and eating toast on the highest setting. Matt attempted to ignore the crumbs on the counter and the spill of coffee, yet made a mental note to add to his list of reasons as to why it was perfectly okay for him to dislike a woman he had just met... The mental list was there for him to look back on when it was quite in his brain and he began overthinking about why he didn't like Shannon. The list was to make him feel like a better person, and definitely not there for him to use in possibly later arguments...

Around an hour passed before Matt's alarm went off reminding him that he,sadly, had work.He grabbed his bag from the small cupboard by the front door and quickly went out the door and down the stairs. Despite him loving his job, it was proving difficult to thing about anything other than James and his defined body, let alone teach children anything. Taking a deep breath as he sat behind the wheel, Matt ran a hand through his already messy hair, trying to clear his mind before he had to teach a class of thirty (annoying) year sevens.

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