Chapter 22

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I couldn't do this alone. But I was. I was grieving alone all over again. Liam threw himself back into work and chubs wasn't even in the cabin anymore. He was always out.

I was on the top bunk. Curled up in a ball crying. Crying my eyes out and I was alone. Liam and I slept in the bed last night and he left this morning knowing I was and had been crying.

He left you when you were in pain. He knew you were in pain.

I was in pain and sad so I went to Clancy. "Hey!" I said knocking on his door. He looked up and smiled. His smile broke my heart. He was so happy and I felt like a burden.

"Hey what wrong?" He asked getting upset from his seat. He walked over to me and wiped the tears off my cheek that I didn't know were there. He hugged me and I just cried.

"I don't know. I'm wrong. I'm the problem." I said and he shook his head pulling away and looking me in the eyes.

"You are not a problem!" He said to me. I just nodded but I didn't believe him. I was a problem. A monster.

He motioned to the bed and I sat down on it. "So I was thinking.....maybe we can walk through what happened with your parents, and see if we can reverse it?" He asked and I perked up.

"Yes! I would love that! I mean....sorry I didn't mean to be so happy, I just really want to fix it." I said and he nodded.

"I get it. I mean I don't, but I do. You just want to make things right." He said to me with a smile.

I gave him my hands and closed my eyes. That always helped, closing my eyes. But I quickly pulled away.

"I need a favor for a favor." I said to him. He nodded as if to say go on.

"If I let you see what happened, can you let Charles use your computer?" I asked.

He took a while before he answered. "Deal. But I have to know everything he is going to do and what he does on it." He says and I nod.

I give him my hands and close my eyes again. And suddenly I'm in my ten year old bedroom. Everything pops up slowly and I remember it more and more clearly.

I see photos and the colors. I'm on my bed, mostly because in real life I'm sting on a bed. I watch as ever hung slowly pops up one at a time all my memories of this room show.

"Good." I hear Clancy's distant voice. It was so distant but I knew he was close. Mostly cause I feel his warm breath along my cheek.

"Keep....keep thinking" he said sounding out of breath. I saw his face through the glossy haze I was in. My body felt so warm and cozy. It was nothing I've ever felt before.

His lips were so close to mine. " are." His voice sounded hoarse. And at the slightest touch his lips were on mine. It felt so good. Because I didn't have to worry.

And as soon as it was gentle, it wasn't. He lips crushed mine with force to steel my breath.

What am I doing? I don't want this!

Was all I thought. And then their was another voice. Yes you do. This is right. But it wasn't mine. Was it Clancy's?

I felt him start to lower me on the bed and I pushed him off. "What are you doing?" I asked. And he shushed me.

I shoved him harder but he wasn't moving. With one final push I got him off me. I punched him in the face and got off the bed and headed for the door

Only You. (LIAM STEWART x OC)Where stories live. Discover now