Pack List

50 1 0

Guard dogs
Bella-( female brown and white dog  with good fighting skills)

Jackson-(A male Great Dane that's a light brown and has a good scent from far away spots)

Vetha-(A white female dog that has good attacks)

Moonlight -(A female German shepherd with great skills of hunting, leading and for protection)

Racer-(A minimum male size dog with orange and white fur very sharp teeth and a the fastest dog in the group)

Madison-(A skilled female dog that can hide on the leaves and go for surprise and gets the target)

Gary -(A male dog that's white and looks like a cotton ball and his defense is good as is his attacks as well)

Carla-A white female puppy that can heal someone in 3 minutes)

Asuna-(A female dog that is white and is very smart about medicine)

Spy Dogs

Zeus-(A male dog that's brown and light brown that acts like a scardy cat

Zoe - ( A female dog that's white, and she works with Zeus but she is stronger)

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