Chapter 2.Courses To Choose

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When Moonlight told the news about that she wanted to find out what the hidden secret was.After a awkward moment they all said "yes" and then they packed up there things and headed out . Moonlight told the other dogs to be very quiet and move very quickly as they.Walked through the woods they thought about how we could get through the woods.No one has made it through the night halfway into the woods it was dangerous.Then some night crawlers had jumped in front of them then Moonlight saw.Two spy dogs looking at them while they get ready for battle then Moonlight said to pass by.Them a fast as you can she was very demanding they realize that Moonlight.Was not kidding so they did what she said  and they made through the night crawlers.And out of the woods and then Moonlight came running out and landed on everybody but.Then got up and ran as fast as the can then they found the bridge.That goes all the way to the hidden secret castle that is guarded with crazy creatures.That are powerful but the group new they were more powerful then the crazy creatures.But then they ended up at the entrance to the hidden secret.Maze craze all the dogs took a different path as they decided they had a death path to complete but one is the way.

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