chapter 8

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*'bryan's POV*

inpu is still not happy about what happened half an hour ago- that was actually my first time i got seen by huma- never mind i got seen multiple times- but not in my form though- i mean after my sister and i left the mansion where our "mom" lived in we had no where to go, we just traveled around for a while- we have been in germany we've been in america which was pretty big- all we were looking for were our soulmates, every demi-god at the age of 20 gets hints about their soulmate, my hints were:

Son of a death god
Loyal & Sweet

Thats why i moved on from jakey that quick- since i knew they werent my soulmate, and i never really wanted to be with jakey in the first place, since i already met my soulmate years before that, yeah thats right- inpu and i met before the camp, my sister and i were in the egyptian underworld for business, while we were on our way to our destination we got attacked by some bandits- my sister and i tried to just ignore them and fly off but they grabbed us and tried stealing our stuff, we got scared and started to fight back, not a minute later 3 people showed up, and you may already guess who-

Three "strangers" saved us that day, bri and i thanked them after they saved us, they helped us gather our stuff, inpu and i got seperated from the other for a while and then inpu saw my necklace and started freaking out- i was confused and asked if he was ok,then magnus, bri and solis came running towards us- magnus hugged inpu and i just stepped back- i had no idea what was going on on that moment- i was so confused, bri just stood next to me while solis was just running around, it took inpu five minutes to get back to normal-

Inpu and magnus walked towards us, they apologised for the strange behavior of inpu and introduced themselves,

I. Inpu son of anubis

M. Magnus child
Of anubis

S. Hi im solis

I. He's the son of rhas
(Idk how you spell it)

B. Bryan son of

Br. Bri daughter of

B. Thank you for
Saving us

I. I- its no problem

M. We were close by

We talked for a while then solis started to act weird again, we laughed about it and walked off, they let us stay at their place for the night, bri and i were calmly reading a book until inpu called me over so i put down my book and went to look what he wanted, we climbed to the roof and sat down there, yeah i know i couldve just flyed up but climbing is more fun, we talked for a while and had lots of fun, it got late and i got pretty tired, i yawned and inpu laughed about it, i felt weird and started to blush like crazy-

I. So have you found
You're soulmate yet?

B. Nope- you?

I. I think i did

B. Neat XD

I. If its not too weird
To ask can i ask about
You're necklace?

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