Chapter 10

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(Hey guys! Sorry this took so long to make- also small announcement if i poof all the sudden for a long piriod of time dont be sad- my parents might take away my phone soon- they suck- they do it to "ProTcEct mE" I also just started a youtube channel XD just type in the name thefamousfilmsfandom and ull see XD)

*no ones POV*

The door crashed down, people run into the room finding the 2 boys and the girl just staring at them, they point their guns to them and starts to talk.

*Bryans POV*

Frick i wanted to prevent this! We might have to jump out of the window. If we are fast enough we might make it, but i have no idea how to tell inpu and bri my plan, ill just drag them along-
"Hey police men? U know we are with 4 right?" Is say most of them immediatly turned around this was our chance, i grab they hands and pull them along with me out the window, glass shards were flying everywhere, we land in a huge pile of snow and stand op, we run as fast as we can and try to make it to the tree line just outside the village, it was cold and not many people were around so less witnesses that can tell where we went.

*no ones POV*

Bryan, inpu and bri ran as fast as they could to the tree line, after they reached it they hid behind the trees to catch their breath, they waited a while before coming out of their hiding spot, the police was no where to be seen, they walked further out the village and went north again, how they could know where they were going? Well the sun comes up in north and gos down at south, and south is where they needed to go, inpu still didnt trust the fact that they just dissapeared out of thin air, bryan had the same gut feeling but bri never complained about it nor mentioned it, the people that called us out to the police were still unknown, inpu said i couldve been the people that helped him out of the hole, but bryan didnt agree.

*Bryans POV*

"i mean he got spooked when u said u will hunt them down if they tell anyone- so i dont think it was them also he is a single father he would do anything to protect his kids, so he wouldnt-" im bringing the facts UnU
Inpu was quiet after that and just kept walking- i mean i dont blame him its early and he isnt really a morning person, so i guess hes a little moody, we walked towards the mountains in the distance, over it could take us days- around it could take us like a few hours, inpu told us it was the best to stay in covered areas since nine tails are black so they cant cover with snow, unlike me- i mean im a weird kind of nine tail- im a albino their might be more people like me there but if there were they probably threw them out like they did with me, we got closer and closer to the big mountain it looked way bigger then we thought, walking around it would in my guess at least take 2 full days-

we have to watch out too since the sky is getting darker and darker on this early morning, if its gonna storm their might be a chance that the snow of the mountains will fall off, and since we are walking next to it theirs a high chance that it will collapse on us- inpu and i had our ears out but covered in a hat so we could tell if the wind speed picked up or if we could hear thunder in the distance, if its the case that theirs indeed coming a storm we have to run as fast as we can deeper into the woods, so that would mean we have to go east maybe find a cave to seek shelter in, i mean trees arent the best covers with thunder storms on their way, we started sliding off the small mountain we were on, as we got down we were heading to the tree line, as if this wasnt hard enough we actually predicted the future i guess, inpu and i both were in shock when we heard thunder, we all started running trying to find some cover,

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