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Sheldon Benson

The sun shone bright overhead as shimmering waves rose from the tan rock. Sergeant Recklaw's silhouette had long since merged with the backdrop of the desert by the time Sheldon turned away.

Monica stood nearby, pressing both fists against her mouth. Tremors wracked her body and her eyes were misty, but she didn't cry.

She'd surprised him with her decision to stay. He'd anticipated using her guilt against her, but this had worked better than anything he could have devised. The betrayal in Recklaw's eyes at Monica's broken expression and her hunched shoulders as he left her almost made Sheldon feel sorry.

However, a jolt of glee zipped through his chest. Jayson was out of the way, Doctor Adams was safely in her cell underground, and Taylor would cower behind his father. The path to seizing control was clear. It was as if the universe was sending him a sign.

Masking his features into a frown, he approached Monica. When they were at arm's length, he cleared his throat. Monica jumped with a gasp, shuffling backward to retreat.

He raised his hands in surrender, taking one step back. "Miss Wainwright, I didn't mean to startle you. I only wanted to check on you."

Raged swept across her face and fire danced behind her stony gaze. She was the Goddess Athena in her fury, both terrifying and beautiful. Loathing for him only fueled his desire for the chase more.

"You're vile," she said in a low voice. Her anger simmered just beneath the surface, flushing her cheeks and making her shake.

He wanted her, to take her wrath and bend it to his will. It would take time, but he would have his way. He would enjoy chasing her.

Lowering his hands to his side, he lifted an eyebrow, fighting the urge to smirk. "Blaming me for his actions won't bring him back. No one forced you to remain here. It was you who made that decision.

A decision he was grateful to exploit.

She hugged herself as she retreated further toward the building. With a final glare, she whirled around and ran inside.

Run all you like, Monica. I'm a very patient man.

Thunder rumbled overhead, and Sheldon looked up. Dark clouds loomed nearby, blanketing the desert in grey shadow. More thunder rumbled closer, and a strong breeze blew his collar up against his neck.

He adjusted his shirt before brushing dust from his sleeves. One of the squad leaders stood at attention and saluted as Sheldon approached. "Sir."

Benson leaned forward, whispering so no one else could hear. "Get a team of soldiers you trust and bring Recklaw back. Use force if necessary, but try to keep him alive. Make sure no one sees you."

"Yes sir."

The young Sergeant departed, and he finally allowed himself to smile.

Okay, this is SUUUUUPER short, but I wanted to tease you all with something twisted as we reach the halfway point.

What do you think so far?

Does Benson make your blood boil? This dude, y'all... He's something else.

Do you think Jayson is toast?

And what's up with Monica ditching him?!

And poor Taylor. He's more afraid than the whole group combined, but HE would have followed Jayson.

Any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns?

Drop your comments below, and if you like this chapter, don't forget to click on that little orange star! Thank you so much for reading!

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