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Diego: Part II

Uncharacteristically out of his room this time of the night, Taylor glanced up from the couch, setting a paperback book onto his lap. Diego hadn't realized the facility offered books, and he wondered if someone had either brought some with them, or if the raiders picked them up during a supply run. To discover this only now was a shame because books would probably become a hot commodity with electronic entertainment gone.

Taylor's eyes initially softened as Diego walked inside the quarters, but hardened the moment John appeared. His nose wrinkled as if smelling something foul. Before Diego could inquire about the former's mood, Taylor asked, "Were you planning on telling me what's on that drive? It's not like you'd have known anything if I hadn't found it first."

Diego scratched his nose to hide a grin as he moved into the kitchen, where dishes from their early dinner still sat in the sink. He'd meant to wash them earlier, but John had snatched him away to help Jeannie before he could turn on the faucet.

Keeping his back to the pair, Diego carefully stacked the dishes, not daring to run the water as he eavesdropped. Taylor wasn't an idiot, and John needed a good scolding for thinking he was clever enough to hide anything from his son.

John groaned. "Can you find out if Monica is awake? I think it's time for all of us to talk."

When Taylor didn't respond, Diego spun on his heel and leaned against the counter, curious to know Taylor's thoughts. John didn't answer the question, making his son scowl, though the latter didn't say anything as he stood and left the quarters.

Diego rested his hands on the counter behind him and leaned back, frowning. "You need to tell him the truth. This might be your last opportunity to make amends."

Left unsaid was how devastated Taylor would be to have his own chance stolen because of pride.

Entering the kitchen, John rummaged through the pantry before returning with dried beans and rice. There wasn't much in the way of fresh food outside the chow hall; these stores had been meant for eating when the main kitchen wasn't accessible, but it wasn't like they could have this conversation in public.

Placing the food on the counter and keeping his gaze downward, John whispered, "I know."

"Then what's stopping you?" Diego pressed, turning back to the sink and running the water. Why they were having a second meal was beyond him, but John increasingly took the appearance of a wraith as he often forgot to eat. And given that nothing would be guaranteed after tonight, including food, Diego decided not to spurn one of the last creature comforts left in this new world.

John moved to the other side of the dual sink, rinsing dishes as Diego washed. "I think Taylor decided the moment he arrived, our relationship couldn't be repaired. I've done everything I possibly can to apologize, and I'm not sure he wants to hear anything from me right now."

"Did Taylor tell you this, or are you assuming?"

John didn't get a chance to respond as the front door opened, drawing the pair's attention to Taylor, Monica, and her young ward in tow. Diego couldn't remember the girl's name, but recalled Monica facing down the rude nurse the day they'd all come out of quarantine. Hadn't someone been with the girl? He couldn't recall.

Like John, Monica didn't seem herself. She'd lost weight since their time in Phoenix, and her gait lacked energy. For a place meant to be safe, this facility appeared to have the opposite effect on its inhabitants.

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