Chapter 11: Cracks

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WARNING Descriptions of psychological torment and some blood right in the middle of the chapter.


"Hanabi! Your footwork is terrible. Sloppy!" Hinata chided as she watched her younger sister spar with Neji.

Hanabi was frowning with concentration even as she whirled and jabbed at her cousin's left side. Neji was just as quick to chop at her arm and aimed for an open-palmed hit to her chest. Hanabi backed away, but she felt the graze of his chakra cut across her skin.

"Stop!" Hinata yelled and they both sprang further apart.

Hanabi shot a disgruntled look at Neji and rubbed at her chest. "Neji-niisan, I told you to be careful with my boobs!" she yelled with a laugh.

He grinned at the joke. "Sorry, Hanabi!"

She shook her fist threateningly at him. "If I end up being flat-chested, I'm going to kill you!"

His burst of laughter echoed pleasantly around the courtyard.

Hinata was still watching them with a frown on her face. "Hanabi, keep your feet light!"

"Nee-chan, come on! My footwork is okay," Hanabi protested. A pout was beginning to form on her mouth.

Hinata pursed her lips and held her fingers out, activating her byakugan. "Okay, then. Show me."

They sparred more seriously than they should have. Hinata wasn't being cruel, she just wanted her sister to take her training more seriously. They continued to fight. Neither one of them gave an inch. Hanabi wanted to show off her skills, while Hinata wanted to show her sister that there were still a few things she needed to learn.

Open-handed blows came in rapid succession against her, but Hanabi blocked them as quickly as she could, until finally, a mistake caused her to lose her footing. Hinata then swept her leg low, bringing her sister down to the ground, who landed with a loud groan. Then she quickly pinned Hanabi to the earth, holding her arms apart and weighing down her legs with her own. Her younger sister struggled against her, but Hinata wouldn't budge.

"This is why you need to be careful with your feet," Hinata explained. "As much as possible, don't get pinned down."

Hanabi huffed a frustrated sigh as she twisted sideways, but her older sister kept a firm grip and wouldn't let go.

Hinata, worried for her sister and wanting her to be able to defend against anything, offered advice. "Once you're down on the ground and have no way to activate your byakugan, you will be at the mercy of your enemies. Always watch your feet, where you're stepping. Always be aware of your surroundings. Use them!"

Hinata drew back and with another frown, said, "Now try to get yourself out of this situation. What will you do, Hanabi? How do you dislodge an enemy when you're pinned to the ground?"

Hanabi grimaced. She twisted her body, trying to dislodge her, but Hinata was taller and heavier, so she couldn't. She gave up. "Not sure?"

"Surprise them. Do something that they won't expect. It will loosen their hold on your hands and then you strike. You could spit in their face, aim for their eyes. Got it?"

"Okay. Will do," the younger girl responded with a nod.

Neji strode up to them and held out a hand. Hinata looked at it and let him pull her off Hanabi's prone body.

"I think that's it for today. How about some lunch?" he said. Hinata nodded quietly as she helped her little sister stand up.

Hanabi dusted herself off and grinned at them. "Let's get soba. Then ice cream for dessert?"

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