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While Lyra quickly wanted to run towards her familiar room to study some books she had checked out from the library. Medusa had other elaborate plans and grabbed her to eagerly join everyone in the common room to get to know one another better.

Sitting in a social circle with the two couples tangled up with each other, no one spoke out first.

It was so awkward that Lyra began to fumble with her hands dig into the nails and carefully observe the glittering rings on her fingers.

A mere few seconds later she pulled out a cigarette and gestured one towards Tom who silently grasped one and light both her's and his.

Every interaction, every touch, or gesture between the elected two seemed to build up Frey's fierce hatred towards her. She had known Tom for 6 years and never got to experience the similar behavior he's displaying for Lyra.

"Sooooo Lyra," her head turned up to Gwen, who had once again spoken up when no one wanted to, "Lenkrov, I've never heard the name before, is it muggle?"


She hated the term being used as if it was derogatory. Properly burying her mild discomfort in the question and kindly answered,

"It is muggle though I'm not muggle-born. I was only left with a first and middle name at the orphanage so they just assigned me a random last name." one of the few truths she cared to willingly share with these people.

"Then how do you know you're a pureblood if you grew up an orphan?" Frey had cut herself into the conversation.

"A wizard had taken me in after the orphanage burned down, when we went to Gringotts the impenetrable barrier for the purebloods only level allowed me to pass peacefully."

In reality, it was Dumbledore who had revealed her blood status to her on the first memorable day at Hogwarts, she had constantly wondered how he knew and bothered him with the question, but all he would say to her was, "Your eyes share a story you do not remember." It drove her mad for the lengthiest time how every answer seemed so vague and led to even more questions.

Frey snickered to herself, "So you don't know who your parents are, quite sad really."

It was inevitably one subject Lyra loathed talking about.

"I wouldn't care to know who they are, anyone willingly abandoning their own newborn child isn't fit to be called a parent. They could be dead and for one second I would not mourn them so on the contrary it isn't 'quite sad really'. They remain nothing but strangers to me"

"But don't you ca-"

"Lyra you said you were left with a middle name too, what is it." Medusa had kindly cut Frey off as she instantly saw the anger and discomfort in Lyra's expressive face.

"Arabella, so my full name is Lyra Arabella Lenkrov. It's latin for-"

"Yielding to prayer."

Turning towards him puzzled, "How'd you know that Tom." he glanced at her for a few seconds when she remembered, "Oh I forgot you speak Latin as well."

"He also speaks French too he's just so smart. He's one of the smartest students in the school" Frey looked approvingly at him as if Riddle was her world, with doe eyes and an enthusiastic smile.

Lyra looked at Tom who's concentrated attention was still on her, "So that's two things we also have in common, don't tell me you also speak Russian and Pars-" she bit her tongue stopping herself from revealing she was a Parselmouth.

"Russian no I haven't expressed an interest in studying it. And what?" Turning her gaze away from Tom staring onto the table.

"And..... and....." stupidly she blurted out the first possible thing that popped into her head, turning back to him, " and Portuguese!"

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