18. All Of The Things - ✭ Monica ✭

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"Is it going to hurt?" I asked for about the millionth time. "Like, this thing is huge. It's going to hurt." I look down at the intricate mandala design Boston had transferred onto my skin. "It's sooo pretty though."

He sits back in the chair saying, "Monica, I can still wipe it off and you can keep the drawing. I made it for you but I don't have to tattoo it onto you."

"No! No. I want it!" Which I really do. I just don't want to deal with the pain.

"Finish the soda and eat your candy bar then." He runs a hand through his hair as I finish up both of them. He'd said the sugar would help keep me from passing out, which he seemed pretty sure I'd do. I truly hope I don't. "Alright. I'm going to start with the diamond-like shape at the top." He snaps on some gloves. "It's small, so if you decide you can't take it then let me know."

I glare at him, "why do you doubt that I can take it?"

He raises his brows with, "oh I don't know, only the gazillion amount of times you've asked if it's going to hurt? Here goes nothing, Cherry." He leans forward and begins. I wince at the initial sting of the needle but don't give him anything after that. He finishes the small design and then looks back at me. "You good?"

"I'm fine." It wasn't a lie and I suppose he could see that in my features as he goes back at it. "It just kind of stings."

"We've just started." He chuckles. "We'll see how you are in an hour."

"I didn't know this was going to be such a time consuming event."

"This isn't a peel and stick, baby, this is for life."

"I'm well aware."

"When I first met you I wouldn't have thought you were an all or nothing type of person." That's because I hadn't been. I'd just kind of went with the motions, let my life be dictated by what I thought would be the best for me.

"I wasn't until I met you."

He doesn't pause his ministrations on my skin but he's quiet for a while. Just the hum of his gun and wipes of my skin every now and again. He's extremely focused and I can't help but watch him as he permanently inks the work of art on my skin. Watching him makes me forget the pain. He's so beautiful in his intensity. It makes me wish I had been awake to watch him draw the piece.

Five hours later, with only two breaks in between, he had finally finished the piece. I'd surprisingly been alright throughout the experience, lost in all that was Boston. It was a bit sad really, but I was grateful that he was such a distraction from the gnawing, scraping sensation of the needle against my flesh.

"It's beautiful." I marvel at the piece in the bathroom mirror. "I love it, Boston." I find his reflected gaze. "Thank you. Now what do I owe you?" He snorts out an incredulous laugh. "What? My dad is always bitching about how expensive it is to get his touch-ups or new work done."

"You think I'd make you pay? I'm not making my girl pay, you're out of your mind. Besides, you have no idea how badly I've wanted to ink you, give you something that's forever." Something about the way he'd said that made my chest flutter. "Plus, when you're back at school and I'm back in Vegas, you'll be able to look at it and think of me." I have to swallow the lump in my throat at that thought.

"Take a picture!" He cocks a brow insinuating that's probably not the best idea after my dad had seen the picture of the two of us but I don't care. I don't want to fall into a bad mood at the thought of us having to separate. "Please? I want to show it off." That makes him smile.

"Alright but then you gotta let me wrap that thing up so we can get something to eat. I'm starving."

"Deal." He pulls out his phone and snaps a picture. "One more?" He quirks a brow and I beckon him with a finger. "Give me the phone." He hands it to me as he comes up to stand behind me. I snap one with us both making a silly face and then I pull his arms around my middle. He surprises me by leaning down to place a kiss on my shoulder, right at the tip of the tattoo. I snap that twice with the stupidest grin on my face. "Send it to me?"

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