38. Expelling Realizations - ✭ Monica ✭

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Nearly an entire month came and went in the blink of an eye. My studies had consumed me entirely. After Boston had left, at the beginning of the month, I hadn't seen him since. He's been just as busy with work as I've been with school.

I'd called Jamie after Boston had left and what ensued was a rather ugly argument. Never in my life have I argued with Jamie. He's my brother, always been my protector, but what had happened with Boston was not okay. I could tell that, even after I had explained what had really happened, Jamie was still not a fan of Boston. I could tell by the tone of his voice,  what I would usually think was sentiment for him, just pure sarcasm.

It's partially why I'm not going home for Thanksgiving this year. I don't want to put up with him or my mother pestering me if I'm okay. As I had suspected, Jamie had told her but thankfully only her. At least he hadn't been that much of a dick to tell my dad and my mother knew better than to say anything. She knows my father's temper.

When I had told my father I wouldn't be coming home for the break he was not pleased in the least. Especially when he heard I would be flying on a private jet alone to meet up with Boston. He was going to pick me up at the airport and we'd be staying at his home. My father hated all of those details, every single one. He made sure to tell me that I better plan on coming home for Christmas or he'd personally fly to wherever I am to 'bring my ass back home to spend time with the family'.

I fidget nervously with a stray strand of hair thinking about meeting Boston's family. We're doing Thanksgiving dinner at his grandparents' house, the ones on his mother's side.

I'd known Carter's family for forever. His siblings were like my siblings. It was that way with his entire family as well. I'd never met family at a holiday event, like I was about to. It was a bit nerve racking for me but I would be with Boston and Boston makes everything better.

My husband.

That thought enters my mind every now and again, that I'm married. For the most part though, it doesn't really feel like I am. Feels like we're just dating, not legally bound to one another. I guess the weight hasn't settled in quite yet. Hell. Maybe it never would with him.

I grab ahold of my ring as the plane begins to descend. I wonder what people would think if I started wearing the ring on the finger it belongs on. An announcement to the world that I am taken. Nineteen and married. My father would shit a brick.

I hadn't told a single soul about our impromptu wedding. It was just between Boston and I, it was our secret. It reminds me of why he is the way he is. So ready and down for anything because he doesn't know how much time he has left. Tears prick my eyes at the thought of losing him.

I'd been super emotional over the last week, overwhelmingly so. My period had been a couple of days late so I'd freaked out and taken numerous pregnancy tests. All of which came back negative, thank God. But that had made me think about us having kids. I am way too young to be thinking about having kids but I couldn't help the thoughts of raising children with him.

It scared the crap out of me.

The jet lands and I feel jittery and jumpy. I can't wait to see Boston, be in his arms again. I hated being away from him. In reality, our relationship has been spent with more time apart than together.

The stewardess walks through the sitting area and goes over to the door, telling me it's time to get off. I get up and go to grab my bag. Once the doors open I see Boston at the bottom of the stairs with Rhoen; his dad. I didn't know his dad was going to be here.

"Monica, it's nice to see you again. You look well." He greeted me once I reached to bottom of the stairs.

"Hello, Rho— uhm, Mr. Rearick."

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