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"these powers made me the bad guy"

I walked up the stairs to Miss Dowling's office. Thankfully, she and Callum, her assistant, was not there. When I tried opening her door, it wouldn't open as it was locked. I sighed and looked around to be sure no one was coming, and then I held out my palm. A foggy mist of cool air formed in my hand, taking the form of two small objects. Using them, I began an attempt to pick the lock open. After a minute, I heard the lock click.

"Would you look at that?" I muttered to myself, proud. "I still got it."

"What you doing?" asked a voice.

I stood up quickly, turning around to see Beatrix and Riven. The ice picks I used dissolved as I hid them behind my back. Beatrix raised her brow, interested in my explanation.

"I could ask you two the same thing," I said, looking at them suspiciously.

"Looks like someone's breaking and entering," said Beatrix, walking toward the door.

She smiled, knowing she caught me and pushed the door to Dowling's office open.

"Technically, I didn't break anything," I said quickly, following her inside. "Wait a second... you two were going to break in here, weren't you?"

"So clever," said Beatrix in a sarcastic tone.

"And why are you breaking in?" Riven asked me as he closed the door. "Didn't think you'd be a rule-breaker."

"She confiscated my phone," I answered, slowly beginning to look through her drawers. "She took mine in the morning."

"Hey, if you see a vape anywhere, Dowling took mine last year," said Riven, pouring himself a glass of alcohol.

"A vape?" Beatrix questioned from the bookshelf. "Every time you seem cool, you say something that ruins it."

"It's still weed," he replied.

"So smoke a joint," Beatrix said.

"What you after, anyway?" I asked her. "Test answers?"

"Please," she began. "The tests they give now might as well be written in crayon. I'm looking for the shit they don't teach. The secrets."

Electricity formed from her hands, spreading over the books on the shelf.

"The history of this place is a lot darker than Dowling and the rest of the faculty want us to know," she said. "I want that truth. Don't you?"

"So, wait, you're like some badass Air Fairy who is a history nerd?" I questioned with a small smirk.

"Why?" she said back. "Is that a confusing archetype for you?"

"Least I was pretty accurate," I said, glancing at Riven. "Air Fairies do look like they're planning some type of shit, good or bad."

I opened another one of her drawers and found my phone. I took it out, then spotted Riven's vape. I glanced at him, then closed the drawer. I didn't mind that he vaped, but it couldn't hurt him if he stopped.

"Where'd you learn to pick a lock?" asked Riven.

"My old friend," I replied, proud. "My old teachers always had a problem with phones, so we learned how to pick locks to get them back."

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