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❄︎ RUMORS ❄︎

"Maybe I could forgive, but I never forgot how lonely I felt"

Its eyes were blood red. I ducked out of the way as its weapons jabbed at me. A jumped out of the way, rolled on the ground, then stood up behind it while shooting a jet of ice at it. It fell to the ground at a halt, and then its head turned to me.

I ran. Soon after, I could hear its thundering footsteps as it lunged at me. I turned around and then it jumped. I slid under it easily, using a sheet of ice, and I shot shards of ice at the Burned One. It pierced into its body, but it only stunned it for a few seconds.

It ran at me. I dodged again, only this time, its weapon sliced my arm. I fell to the ground, yelling in agony for the burning sensation made me feel as though I was burning alive.

The Burned One raised its sword high and then swung down at me. I put my arm out, ready to defend myself, but then, a sword met its blade.


Sky was fighting the Burned One now. Bloom helped me stand, and remembering what Terra had me do for Silva, I tried to use my magic to help my wound.

"Close your eyes!" called another voice.

Light illuminated the area and we shielded our eyes from the light. I looked behind me, Stella, Musa, Aisha, and Terra standing by our side now.

Terra used her magic, making the roots of the trees tug at its arms and feet to keep them from moving. Bloom extended her hands out and a jet of flames the creature aimed at the creature. Using water Aisha had summoned, she splashed it onto the fire, creating steam.

Confused by the steam, Sky walked up behind it, piercing his word into the Burned One, and he twisted his blade for good measure before taking it out.

"Are you okay?" Sky asked, rushing toward me.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, and then looked at the creature. "Is it dead?"

Musa and the others slowly walked toward it to get a closer look. Her eyes glowed purple and then she said, "I don't think it's— "

Sky pulled me back as the Burned One sprung up. Then, its upper body turned orange, and then a bright light shined, and they all covered their eyes. Then, the body landed with a thud.

"No, it wasn't dead."

I looked behind me and saw Miss Dowling, a stern expression upon her face.

"It is now."


"You two are complete idiots."

"I know," she and Sky said.

"Stupid, impulsive, reckless idiots."

"Yes, we know. We know! But is it better?" I asked him, turning to Harvey. "Professor Harvey?"

He gave a small smile.

"Don't smile at them," Silva scolded, and then he pulled us into a hug, sighing with relief. "Your dads would've been proud."

"Now, let's see that arm," Professor Harvey said, beckoning me over.

"The Burned One's dead, so I'll be all right, won't I?" I asked him.

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