"Its not what you say- it's how you say it."

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Goodness this lesson has been taught the most to me through intimate relationships and jobs that I've had; sometimes a partnership, whether it's a business or romantic partner- they can be entirely too similar. (I'll talk more about that in another chapter)

The point is, how you say things to these significant people in your life, they can affect the way what you have said is interpreted by the person you're attempting to relay your message to.

My Mother is one of the main people who has commented on my tone, yet, it took having others mention it to me in order for me to realize it wasn't just her special way of criticizing me. Be careful to relay your messages with positivity, expressing that you are trying to help so that no one feels threatened by your minor critique on their character traits.

When you're angry it becomes easy to let your emotion control your tone; be mindful of your emotions to understand what you want to do... then, do the opposite.

While working at different jobs and a customer is having a bad day, they especially don't want to hear a negative tone of dissatisfaction- no one wants to feel as though you are discontent with your life. On the other hand, your tone affects your body language and your body language affects your emotions. When talking in a cheerful tone, it's harder not to smile and when you smile, your brain releases chemicals that follow suit; these chemicals control your feelings which in turn affect your tone.

So if you are having a difficult time controlling your tone and getting along with others, practice smiling more. Be aware of your mental state and do your best to allow it to be positive.

When it's raining, look at the leaves on a tree or petals on a flower; notice how vibrant these beautiful gifts are compared to the atmosphere of grey.

When it's sunny and you're stuck on your employers time-clock, make sure you take a walk on your break. Appreciate the small things, that will help to maintain an, at the very least, calm mind.

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