Year Seven (II)

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"Don't get your knickers in a twist, sweetheart," Said Annabelle, a wicked smile on her face as she approached Crouch to help him up after she had obliterated him in a duel, "Can't win'em all."

Barty pushed her hand away and stood up on his own. 

"You're an insufferable bitch,"

"And you're a twat." Said Annabelle, "Here's your wand. It's a real shame I can't return your bawbags as well."

Her grin grew as his skin heated in indignation, snatching his wand back. 

Barty glowered at her.

Did Crouch have freckles? Annabelle hadn't known that. She was having a hard time listening to him, because his faint freckles made the shape of a top hat on his cheek. She couldn't stop imagining a bunny appearing and hopping out.

"Careful with your words mudblood, I hear the dark lord has a plan for scum like you." Said Crouch. 

"You've got freckles."


"While you were glowering I noticed you've got freckles." She explained. But that wasn't very threatening was it?

Right. Threatening. Annabelle had committed war crimes. She could do this. She could do anything. Except maybe digest lactose properly. 

 "Ah. They make words." Said Annabelle, she squinted a little, "Let's see, mother wishes she had given birth to a quill cause then it would at least be useful."

"Aelin. When the time comes to kill you? I hope I get the honour." Sneered Barty, rolling one of his sleeves up to his forearm.

He was fairly muscular, the gesture meant to intimidate her, but to his utter horror, Annabelle was about an inch taller than him. It was a fact she exploited mercilessly, treating the small difference like the distance between everest's peak and it's base. 

"No death threats in the classroom, Crouch." Grumbled Alastor Moody as he limped into the classroom, his gruff voice causing the class to go quiet,

"I wasn't, that's not what- I would never- It was more of a-" Sputtered Barty, his cheeks crimson, as the visiting auror seemed unbothered by his attempts to explain himself, continuing towards the professor and giving Annabelle a passing nod with a smile of approval. 

"Banter," Called Anthony from the other side of the room, As Moody reached their professor, Barty nodded,"It was a banter."

 The bell rang,

"Count your days, mudblood," sneered Crouch, pushing passed her on his way to his bag, his insides irritated by her indifference to the words. 

"Have fun at lunch," She called. "I heard it's soup day,"

"I hate her." Said Barty as he collected his belongings,

"Yeah she totally ruined the soup-rise." Said Anthony, looking up to see Regulus' apathetic face and Barty's scowl. He cleared his throat. "Sorry."

"It's just that we know you can do better." Said Regulus, struggling to maintain a blank expression. Crouch was one more death threat directed towards Regulus' beloved from a black eye. "Do you think there will be French Onion?"

"What do you think she meant by have fun at lunch?" Asked Barty as they left the classroom. 

"I don't know, French Onion is my favourite too, mate." Said Anthony, disregarding Barty.

"And how did she already know it was soup day?" Asked Barty. 

Regulus looked over his shoulder at Annabelle as he left the class. She looked so pretty with her hair tied back, she looked pretty all the time just she-

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