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"Then I would die an honest man."

The words replayed in Annabelle's head about a million times, she raised the cigarette to her lips and took another drag.

She'd never dreamt that Regulus would have her for so long.

Annabelle had long accepted that he would leave her eventually. That shew was just a phase. But the thought of him dying?

That was not permitted. Not allowed. No. He wouldn't die an honest man, he wouldn't die at all. Not even a little bit.

She hid her face beneath the collar of her shirt for a moment as tears leaked from her eyes.

He wouldn't die.

No. No. No. no.

Annabelle wiped away her tears and took in another long drag.

Regulus couldn't die.

Not in some stupid attempt to prove his love for her.

"You're smoking." Said Regulus, he'd finally found her. Sitting against a wall outside of the castle. She nodded. He sat next to her.

"You don't have to stay."

"You're upset. I'm not going to leave you." Said Regulus.

"You hate the smoke."

"But I love you." He said, she glanced at him.

"I'm cross with you right now. And I don't like the words, But that was very smooth, your majesty." Said Annabelle. Regulus removed his scarf and wrapped it carefully around her neck, delicately pulling her hair out from under it. "I've already got one of your scarves your majesty."

"Now you have two." Said Regulus, his arm linking through hers, "It's simple mathematics really."

Annabelle extinguished the cigarette, vanishing the garbage before resting her head on his shoulder, he kissed the top of her head.

"Are you happy being with me?" He asked, "Even like this?"

"Yes." Said Annabelle honestly, the good far outweighed the circumstance. "I really am."

Regulus nodded.

"Sometimes when I can't sleep I imagine our life together in the future. When the war is over I mean." Said Regulus. "We have two cats and a library organized in such a way that any sane person would go mad."

"Did I organize the library?"

"Yes." Said Regulus. "You organized half of it by fictitious timeline and the other by title feel."

"You just get me." Said Annabelle. "We've got two cats?"

"They were both strays, and I had to talk you down from three." Said Regulus.

"Why did you talk me down from three?"

"I don't think I could compete with three cats for your affection." Said Regulus. "It would be bad for my ego, my love." He added knowing it would- Annabelle smiled.

"You realize that if the dark lord wins the war I end up in jail or dead. If the order wins you end up in prison."

"Belle. I am the only heir to the Black family fortune." Said Regulus. "I could buy Azkaban if I put my mind to it."

"You could buy Azkaban?"

"And Hogwarts. And still have the galleons to buy you a proper ring." Said Regulus. "Point being, the fallout of war seldom touches the wealthy. You should never be preoccupied worrying about what will happen to me if and when the," He took a breath, "Sod without a nose, loses." A smile tugged at Annabelle's lips.

Inferius | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now