6: Maybe I Should Move

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I don't own Merlin, since BBC never learned to share.

Trigger warning for some torture and sexual themes/insults.

  Morgana's twisted laugh fills my head, and through someone else's eyes I see Gwaine get thrown back when he reached for a sword. Mordred grabs Arthur before I can even open my mouth, and two thugs grab my arms.
  "Awwww Merlin you must've missed me dearly to come back so soon." She saunters over to me while she croons victoriously. I watch her hand reach out and feel her fingers touch my cheek, sliding down my neck and to my chest, then back up. To my embarrassment I see she notices my ears redden as I back away, and instead of moving on like I'd hoped, she laughs.
  "Oh dear I forgot, our innocent little Merlin isn't used to a woman's touch. What do you think, dearest brother?" The spite from her words make me back up further into her goons. "Maybe he needs to become a little more accustomed to it?"
  I can see Gwaine's look of hatred and Arthur's desperation as I feel her nails dig into my cheek, scratching from just below my eye to my chin. They both shout something, but I force myself to relax a bit, smiling at her instead. "If I wanted attention from a whore, I'd have gone to a brothel, not to you." I barely hear Gwaine's laugh before Morgana shrieks and hits me with a wave of magic. I go flying back, slamming the hard packed earth and knocking the wind out of me; my only consolation is that the two creeps holding me were thrown too.
  "You'll regret that bit of fun you know, worthless bastard," she hisses at me through her teeth. I sit up slowly, regaining my breath.
  "At least I didn't grow up being raised by a father who denounced my birth," I spit back. I hate being called a bastard. I left that behind in Ealdor, and I am NOT going to let it start again now. Besides, maybe if I get her mad enough she'll slip up and forget about Arthur and Gwaine. Another wave of magic knocks me back hard, and I hear a crack from my chest before the agonizing pain begins.
  "Merlin you idiot! Stop antagonizing her!" Arthur screams at me, now being held by another two goons. Morgana chuckles again before casting a spell I really, REALLY had hoped she'd forget about.
  "Ad patriam redire ad iudicium!" I close my eyes, dreading seeing any more. The world feels warped and time feels distorted. When I finally blink back into reality I'm thrilled to realize I'm looking through my eyes again! Though, I wish my first sight was a bit happier. Instead I find myself in a cell, looking at Arthur and Gwaine, each of whom are chained to the wall the same way I am. Shackles keep our arms raised high above our heads, forcing us to either stand or to hang with all our weight on our wrists. Arthur and Gwaine are staring at me expectantly and I now realize they'd asked something.
  "Sorry what?" I barely manage to ask before the searing pain in my side reminds me of my broken ribs. "Oh this is good. You know, I missed this cell. I was starting to get homesick. I might need to tell Gaius to pack my stuff, I think I live here more than Camelot," I joke quietly, trying to get them to stop looking so serious. I manage to get a small grin from them both, but it's better than the guilty looks of horror they were giving me a second ago. I glance around the cell, noticing a guard outside it. There's no sign of Morgana yet, but it probably won't be long until- I can hear a heavy door open and shut. It's a VERY familiar sound.
  "Oh this will be fun I'm sure," I force a smile that's much brighter than how I feel, and I can tell they both know I'm faking it.
  "Ahhhh wonderful! You're all awake. I was starting to worry we'd have to go ahead with the fun without you Merlin!" She smirks at me as she nods for the guard to open the cell.
  "Oh are we having a party? Glad I'm awake then. I really wouldn't wanna miss a party," I grin at her and ignore Arthur's shushing.
  "Morgana leave him alone; it's me you want. Me and my throne. So just leave him out of this and tell me what you're gonna do," Arthur orders roughly, but it just makes her smile wider.
  "Ohhhh you poor thing. Don't you know? Your pathetic servant here may be useless and stubborn, but YOU care for him a great deal. So if he won't tell me what I want to know, maybe you will! First though, a little fun. JUST to show you I mean business." She grins evilly at the end as the guard unshackles my wrists and shoves me towards the door.
  "Don't you dare lay a hand on him! No, take me, have your fun, but leave him out of this! He's done nothing to you!" Arthur shouts, half pleading and half ordering still. She pretends not to have even heard him.
  "In the meantime, I suggest you think of the names of your closest supporters, and maybe where the key to the treasury is too while you're at it since Merlin here was so reluctant to tell me." She smiles almost sweetly before shoving me further away from my friends.
  "Arthur don't worry. I'll be alright. Don't tell her a thing. Remember, I'm happy to be your servant until the day I die, and that WON'T be today," I tell him with conviction and a smile that I know doesn't reach my eyes. Morgana laughs and looks at me incredulously.
  "Don't be so sure. Anyway, remember what I said, brother dearest," she calls over her shoulder as she leads me away.

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