11: Ever Changing

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Still don't own Merlin.

  An eternity later we finally reach Camelot, but when we do everything is a whirlwind of activity. Gaius has Percival and Gwaine carry me to his room, while Arthur calls to several people to gather the rest of the round table for an important meeting. I'd love to say I wasn't at all worried when he said that, but I'd be lying. Actually I was terrified.
"Gaius, they know. They know," I pant as they get me onto the table so he can check my wounds. He's distracted of course, grabbing bottles and bowls and strange herbs I still don't recognize.
"Who knows what?" He asks after a minute of stirring. Percival leaves but Gwaine stays, looking uncertain at all the remedies.
"Can't he just...use his magic?" When Gwaine asks that Gaius drops a bottle, shattering it as he stares in shock before understanding dawns on his face.
"Oh THAT'S what they know. Oh my. And, Arthur? How did he react?" He looks out the door, probably checking for guards coming to arrest me. I shrug slightly, subconsciously rubbing my mouth where he'd kicked me.
"It...well I guess it could've gone worse?"
"That's not reassuring, Merlin."
"No, it's not, is it?" I run my fingers through my hair as Gaius starts a new batch of medicine. Gwaine watches us curiously as I have one of the old books float to me so I can search it for a spell that will ease some of my pain.
"Bloody incredible," he mumbles mostly to himself, eyes wide. I feel a bit...I don't know...maybe embarrassed? I've spent so long hiding my magic, and I became so used to not taking credit for anything, that now it feels almost wrong to do so now. I flip a few pages and find what I was looking for, and I know my eyes glow gold as I say the spell, because Gwaine is staring intently again. Slowly I feel the skin on my back reconnect, and some of the pain eases up. Gaius hands me a vile-smelling concoction to drink and I swallow it as fast as possible, making a face at the horrid taste.
"I need to learn a spell to make these awful medicines palatable," I tease my father-figure, who just shakes his head at me as I move to sit on the cot to try to ease the pain in my body.
"Merlin, we've more important matters at hand." He glances at Gwaine meaningfully. Gwaine looks at us both then he snaps his fingers.
"I should go check what Arthur is doing, right?" As soon as we nod he jogs to the door and opens it, and nearly runs straight into Arthur*
"Oh! Princess! I was just coming to see you," Gwaine exclaims with a grin. Arthur nods and looks past him towards me, his expression unreadable.
"Yes, I heard. I've come to speak to Merlin."

His Name: MERLINWhere stories live. Discover now