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Five days had passed.
Five days of going out every night for random walks, Owen liked those walks, with Charlie's company, seeing him smile and his bad two-way jokes, but what Owen liked most was when Gillespie took him home  because always, every day, they kissed each other goodbye.
Owen loved the boy's lips.

Now, they were at Joyner's house, necessarily in his room, Owen was lying on the bed while writing something in the notebook, Charlie was also there but he was focused on the television laughing at the lines of "Mean Girls" as if it were the first time he was watching  .
It was strange and beautiful how close the two of them had become in such a short time.

- We could make such a book - Charlie says sitting on the bed.

- To speak ill of our friends who keep saying that we date?  It looks like a good one - Owen says without looking and Charles laughs approaching him, so he removes the glasses from his face and also his notebook leaving them aside to be able to kiss his lips.

- Why do they say that, right?  It doesn't make sense - Gillespie says with a little smile and goes back to bed this time using the boy as a pillow - But not exactly like that.  We could make such a book but talking about our tours.

Owen wraps his arms around Charlie's waist, pulling him closer and kisses his face, nodding at the idea:

- It sounds interesting - he says running his hands over the boy's face, caressing him slowly - When do you want to do that?

- Hm... - Charlie murmurs in delight to the caresses with his eyes closed and smiles when he hears Owen's question - Now.  Let's go to a paper shop.

- Now?  But it's so good here - he says, burying his face against Charlie's neck, who laughs and pulls him away to get up too.

- But it will be quick, come.

Giving up, Owen gets up from the bed, putting on his shoes, accompanying the boy to the paper shop.


Owen and Charles were lying on the floor of the blonde's room looking for letters to stick on the cover of the travel book, they had decided to call it "Chowen Book", in it they would write about their travels as if it were Winnie Chowen writing.
Charlie had sat the bear there with them, in the middle of the mess of shredded papers and spilled glue:

- You don't know how to do anything - Owen says rolling his eyes taking the diary from Charles's hand - Look what a mess it looks like a baby.

- And you are boring - Gillespie says laughing and takes the camera over the bed, it was your father's and now it would be used to record the moments of your travels with Owen and the bear - Smile at me, baby.

He asks by taking a photo of Owen who rolls his eyes, then taking one of himself with the teddy bear it doesn't take long for the photo to come out on a Polaroid revealing the image within a few seconds.
Charles takes the notebook back by pasting both photos on the first sheet:

"Daddy Owen fighting with Daddy Charles just because he is amazing - he writes there in his typical ugly handwriting.

- It is not my fault that "daddy Charles" does not know how to cut and paste - Owen says when he sees the photo caption - I'm tired.

He complains lying on the floor leaving his legs on the bed, Charles does the same by pushing Owen's feet just to imply, both wore ugly colored socks and pajama pants:

- Owen?

- Uh?

- What do you think happens after we die?

- I don't know - he says shrugging and turns his face looking at Charles who looks back - I don't believe in heaven or in hell.

- What do you believe then?

- In good people and bad people - he says - If the person is good the is in a paradise with all his good memories, if the is bad, in a hell with bad memories.  That makes sense?

- I think so - Charlie says and sighs closing his eyes, he looked tired for someone so active.

- Why? - Owen asks if turning on his side facing the same passing his hand over the face of the same caressed.

- I don't know - he says, smiling, opening his eyes to look at the blonde - If you died now, what would be in your paradise of memories?

-Probably all episodes of Grey's Anatomy - Owen says laughing low approaching the face if Charles leaving a kiss on his lips-And his?

-My mom-Charlie says smiling as she feels Charles's lips against her-his smile.

Owen felt like an idiot at times.  Charlie made him feel that way but in a bad sense, he made him feel complete ... in love.

- Would I be in your paradise of memories?

- Yes, Owen - Charlie says looking him in the eye - I believe in reasons.

- Reasons?  What does that mean?

- It means that I believe that each person has a reason.  A reason to feel complete, that gives you strength when you need it, that can make you happy with a smile - he says looking into Owen's eyes all the time - And you are my reason, Owen Joyner.

Small chapter because I have a block, please don't hate me :)

Please touch the star

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