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Owen was planning to apologize to his boyfriend for starting a fight over a movie but Charles hadn't gone to school that day, didn't answer messages or calls, now, the blond felt guilty for having acted that way.

- I was stupid - Owen says to Daniella, they were in the coffee cart on the sidewalk in front of the school - But he can't ignore me like that, I can't do anything if he keeps ignoring me.

- I still can't believe they fought over a movie, Owen. Seriously, this is too much even for you - She says rolling her eyes and the blonde nods rubbing her hands over her face.

- It's just that I felt a bad thing when he said he would do the same thing - The boy explains crossing his arms - Have you ever felt like you were going to lose someone you like a lot?

- No. And I think you're being paranoid - She says leaving the coffee cup already empty on the table - Why don't you go to his house?

Owen thinks for a few seconds about what his friend says and nods in a sigh, maybe it would be better to talk in person than through messages, Charlie would not have the courage to ignore him face to face.


- Owen, hi - Jeanette greets with a smile as she answers the door - Come in.

- Hi aunt - the boy says entering the house, he was nervous and was holding the handles of the backpack tightly, did she know about the fight? Or that the two were dating? What had Charlie told her? - Charles, is he there?

"Yes. In the bedroom, you can go there," she says, drying her hands on the cloth that was once on her shoulder and then Owen goes up the stairs to her boyfriend's room.

When he gets there, he knocks twice on the door before entering.
Charlie was lying in bed watching television, Owen could see his cell phone next to him and now he was sure he was being ignored this whole time. Without saying anything, the blonde leaves his backpack on the floor and takes off his shoes lying on the bed hugging the boy:

- Can you not be mad at me, please? - he mutters muffled against the blanket without the courage to look Gillespie in the eyes - You can't make me fall in love with you and disappear later.

- Come here - Charlie calls raising the blanket for Owen to lie under it, so the brunette leaves a kiss on his forehead while caressing his face - I'm not mad at you. I just didn't wake up very well today.

"But you also didn't answer my messages and my call," Owen mumbles, hugging the warm body of the boy who laughs when he feels the boy's cold hands on his waist.

-Because I knew I was going to end up coming here-he says with a little smile leaving a kiss on the blonde's face-Did my mom say anything?

- About what? - Owen asks looking at him and bites his lip while watching him - Does she know about us?

- You know - Charlie says smiling sideways and then approaches kissing the boy's cheek, from there, going down to his lips initiating a calm kiss.

Owen was no longer tense, now he knew they were fine, that Charlie was not angry and that even after being a complete idiot they were still together.
He liked the way his boyfriend's warm lips moved against his and he liked even more his hands touching him under the blanket and taking him subtly to his lap.

- Take it off - Charles asks by pulling the zipper of his jacket, throwing it away when he can open it, doing the same with the T-shirt then, so he brings his lips to the chest of the same kissing and marking with small bites.

- Charles... - the blonde calls in a more hoarse tone while moving his hips over the boy's, when moving away to remove the shirt from the same Charles holds his hands and shakes his head. Before he can question that, Charlie reverses the positions leaving him underneath thus undressing the rest of his body.

It had been their first time, both together and individually.
Now they were lying under the blanket, Owen sleeping on Charles's chest while his eyes were filled with tears.
He needed to tell Owen what he was hiding but he was so afraid of what it could do to the relationship.
All he wanted less at that moment was to have to tell the person he loved that he was dying.

Carefully, Charlie gets up from the bed wiping the tears that streamed down his skin, after putting on his pants, he continues to his study table taking a deep breath. Since he couldn't speak, he would try to write. Then he would just have to find the courage to give it to him and hope that, somehow, it wouldn't hurt him so much.

After a few crumpled sheets and some shed tears, Charles tosses the notebook under the table when he hears his boyfriend calling his name:

- Hi baby - he says with a little smile wiping his own face and approaches the bed like this, kissing Owen's face - I couldn't sleep.

- Okay - he murmurs in a lazy tone and smiles, rubbing Charlie's face, sealing him - What were you doing there?

- Homework - he says with a little smile and lies down on Owen's chest closing his eyes - You know, we already did what I like to travel, now we could just stay home as you like.

- Our adventures will now be homemade cakes and cookies - Owen speaks with a big smile and laughs - My mom has a cookbook. We can do it. Record some tutorial videos and put them on Instagram.

- You liked the idea, uh?

- Yes. Come on now, come on.


Now they were at Owen's house, necessarily in his kitchen, they had showered at Charles's house which resulted in the blond wearing his clothes.
After positioning his cell phone at a strategic point on the bench, Owen laughs as he moves in front of the camera. They didn't know what to say or how to start it:

- Uh... hi guys, I'm Charles--

- Who are you talking with?

- Whoever is watching, Owen, people do it

- Okay.

- My name is Charles and this incredibly hot cook here is Owen, my boyfriend - he says pointing the blonde as if it were a prize, Owen laughed at all that but tried to keep the pose - Your turn, speak.

- I'll be right back - he says running out of the kitchen leaving Charlie without understanding, it doesn't take long and then he comes back with a chef's hat - Here.

- I want one - Gillespie says and Owen shrugs.

- Just a little. Then give it back to me - he says, putting his hat on his boyfriend's head and then returns to his position looking at the camera - today we are going to make chocolate chip cookies.

After loud laughter, spilled ingredients and two idiots covered in flour and chocolate powder, the cookies were finally ready.
With the aid of a thermal glove, Charles removes the shape of the oven and places it on the counter.

- This look good - Owen says excitedly one of the cookies.

- No, not right - Charlie says laughing taking one of the cookies that should have the round shape but it was more for something undefined - In the three. One, two, three.

When they bite the dough both look at each other forcing a smile:

- Divine - Charles says as Owen bends down spitting out the dough where the camera wouldn't record it

- Incredible - he says with a disgusted face and laughs as Gillespie walks towards the camera:

- Until next time ... cooking with Chowen - he says with a smile looking for the off button when Owen arrives from behind breaking an egg on his head.

- Bye - he says laughing and turns off the recording.


Guys .... Your Smile, My Reason is coming to an end :(
I hope you are enjoying it :)


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