Ch14 - I Came For Him

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After the first filming yesterday, Han Tianyu had noticed Lu Xu's face.

His own looks were not bad, but he had to admit that Lu Xu's were really strong. "I think it's a pity you didn't join a beauty pageant."

There was no ill intent behind those words. Even Lu Xu just smiled and said nothing.

After last night's run-in, the atmosphere in 201 had become a lot more harmonised. In the face of the other three's invitation, Lu Xu didn't express any objection and followed them cooperatively.

"Xu ge!" Just as he walked into the restaurant, Xu Lele was already waving energetically at him and pointing at the seat beside him. "Come and sit here!"

Lu Xu showed him an "ok" sign, and went to the cafeteria window to get his breakfast.

In order to best cater to the trainees' tastes, the cafeteria staff specially prepared a breakfast buffet.

Song Zhe and the others circled around the entire spread, and in the end still chose a chicken breast salad with nonfat milk so they could maintain their physiques.

Lu Xu didn't have any special requirements when it came to food, but he also had to follow the crowd and eat.

He took a tray of shrimp crystal dumplings with century egg porridge, along with a plate of fresh vegetables and a fried egg, then took his food and went to sit with Xu Lele.

Seeing Lu Xu come over, Xu Lele was beside himself with joy, and didn't forget to help him pull out his chair. "Xu ge, I actually wanted to order for you, but I didn't know what you liked so I just waited for you to come. Oh right, did you hear about what happened last night?"

Lu Xu more or less knew what he was going to say, but he still asked without a change of expression, "What happened?"

Xu Lele's gossipy soul was burning with passion, and he couldn't resist sharing with Lu Xu, but he looked up to see Xu Haoming and the others with their breakfasts coming to sit by Lu Xu's side, and he suddenly didn't know whether he should say it or not.

Xu Lele remembered it clearly. This Xu Haoming had mocked their rumours yesterday. If he said it now, he didn't know what cold things this person would say. However, just when he was thinking of waiting for a chance to tell Lu Xu when he was alone, Xu Haoming asked, "Did something unusual happen last night?"

His tone of voice could not be considered enthusiastic, but it was a lot more polite than yesterday.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, in the end, Xu Lele still told them in a low voice, "Apparently, there were ghosts in the building last night..."

Xu Haoming's chopsticks froze mid-air, and he glanced towards Lu Xu.

Lu Xu's face didn't show any sort of change. He just asked Xu Lele, "Your friend told you this?"

Xu Lele had already said yesterday that his groupmate's relative worked at the station. Fan Zeng had caused quite a commotion yesterday, so it was no surprise that word got out.

As expected, Xu Lele immediately nodded his head. "That's right. My friend told me. He said that the director's team heard crying sounds but couldn't find the person. Don't you guys also find it strange that the water and power suddenly went out?"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fqbc tfjglcu atja, Vbcu Itf ogbkcfv, atlcxlcu atja atbrf kbgvr kfgf nfgs glvlmeiber. "Pa'r cbgwji obg atf kjafg jcv qbkfg ab ub bea, ktja'r atf ylu vfji jybea la? Ktfgf jgf bcis j ofk qfbqif bc atf vlgfmabg'r afjw, tbk mbeiv kf cba xcbk lo rbwfatlcu tjqqfcfv?"

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