Ch23 - Xu Ge, You're Trending

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Ji Xiunian had experienced many, many different things throughout his life, but being pranked by a ghost was a first.

From the way people were passing around him it was obvious no one else could see the 'ghost' that had suddenly appeared.

Ji Xiunian had no experience interacting with ghosts. He originally thought about just leaving, but it never even crossed his mind that the fellow would not only block his way, but would also call his companions over. "Hurry up and come over here to greet Instructor Ji!"

"Ai? Can Instructor Ji really see us?"

"Coming coming!"

As the other three walked over, they didn't forget to check each other's appearances, stepping over in a uniform manner.—

"Instructor Ji, can you really see us?"

"Hello Instructor Ji, my name is Tao Yingbo, I'm a songwriter."

"I'm your fan, Nian ge. Can I get an autograph? You can just burn it for me after you write it."

The four ghosts gathered together, bowing towards Ji Xiunian and greeting him. Their attitudes were incredibly enthusiastic. They were completely different from the ghosts that were featured in horror movies; their appearances were clean, polite, and gentle.

As they stood in front of him right now, other than their out-of-place clothing, they didn't appear to be very different from the other trainees.

Ji Xiunian hesitated for a moment, then still decided to say, "Hello."


"Fuck fuck, Nian ge really spoke to us."

"Right right, and it's a living Nian ge!"

The four ghosts were so excited they were about to scream on the spot.

Ji Xiunian was afraid he would attract the attention of others and raised his hand to rub at his nose as a cover. "It's not convenient to speak here, let's wait until we find somewhere without any people and we can talk then."

It was indeed strange for a living person to be talking to the air. He Xinghua and the others completely understood and immediately nodded their heads. "Okay okay, we will follow what you say!"

Ji Xiunian nodded slightly and couldn't help but readjust his clothes before joining the other mentors in the conference room first.

He Xinghua escorted Ji Xiunian out the room, then immediately rushed over to Lu Xu's side. "Aaaaaa Master Lu Xu, you're too impressive!"

If it had not been for Lu Xu's advice, He Xinghua would have really believed Ji Xiunian couldn't see them. A human had seen him and he was even a mentor. He Xinghua was beside himself with happiness.

"Do you think Ji Xiunian would agree to giving us an evaluation?"

Debuting was the biggest dream for the three of them, but they didn't know if Ji Xiunian would agree.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"Lf klii." Cr tf atbeuta bo Al Wlecljc'r yglfo wbwfca bo yfklivfgwfca pera cbk, Oe We lcfzqilmjyis ofia atja atlr qfgrbc kjr j ilaaif meaf.

Zjcs qfbqif ktb tjv Tlc Tjcu fsfr, bg atbrf ktb kfgf bc atflg vfjatyfvr, mbeiv rff utbrar. Zbra bo atfrf qfbqif'r olgra gfjmalbc kjr ab qjclm. Ycis Al Wlecljc gfwjlcfv mjiw jcv erfv tlr fzmfiifca jmalcu rxliir ab aegc j yilcv fsf, fnfc obbilcu atf utbrar atfwrfinfr.

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