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Willow walked into the living room and felt so relieved when she saw everyone wearing rather formal clothes, dresses, suits, even Mad-eye looked well scrubbed up.

She went to walk over to the twins when feeling a warm hand press against her back and hot breath fan against her neck, causing her to freeze up slightly.

"Well don't you look ravishing" Sirius whispered against as she took a breath of relief and turned around slowly to greet him.

She took in his attire and his well tailored suit and smiled to herself sweetly.

"As do you" she chuckled.

He really did look quiet handsome. His hair tamed and neat, his black suit fitted perfectly against his lean body, a dark purple waist coat under his blazer and his smile mischievous and playful.

"I know" he smirked causing her to roll her eyes at his confidence, "So, where's your date?"

"He is going getting some drinks" she replied kindly, not exactly wanting to rub in that she was being escorted by someone else after the rather sweet moment she and Sirius shared a few hours ago.

"Whilst you wait, how about a dance?" he offered charmingly, his hand outstretched as he nodded to the middle of the room where a few couples were already dancing, Arthur and Molly, George and Ginny and some blonde woman with Kingsley she had never seen before.

"You know I would..." she sighed, "But-"

"Let me guess, you don't want to break Moony's poor little heart" he chuckled darkly.

"No Black, but I came with someone else, so if I am dancing with anyone, it will be them" she stated pointedly, getting slightly annoyed at his childish attitude about the whole thing, "And here he comes now"

Remus walked in with a glass of whiskey and a glass of wine, searching the room for her with a small smile and unknowingly allowing his features to drop when seeing her stood with Sirius.

She waved him over with a small smile and he cautiously descended over to the two, sending a hard look to Sirius who, was of course, smirking once again.

"Moony old friend, I was just telling Willow here how incredible she looks, don't you think?" His smug face caused Remus to scowl ever so slightly as he passed her the drink and sent her a curious look.

"He does...he told me himself before we got down here" Willow smirked back, grabbing Remus' wrist and pulling him away from the man who was now gritting his teeth at the sight of them both together.

"Was he...was he bothering you?" Remus asked quietly from the back of the room whilst they stood and watched Molly and Arthur laugh away during their dance.

She always thought they were the perfect couple. 

"Oh no..." she laughed, waving her hand in the air with a certain look, "I can handle Sirius"

"Well, you shouldn't have to" Remus scoffed with a shake of his head, twirling his golden liquid in his glass nervously.

"Hey..." she spoke softly, craning her head down to meet his eyes, "I can handle Sirius"

He looked into her sure eyes, her small and comforting smile causing his lips to mimic her own.

"Very well" he breathed, "He's right you know"

"About what?"

"You do look incredible" he mumbled shyly, a small blush creeping up against his scarred cheeks as he looked literally anywhere but at her.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora