Where to begin

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Her head pressed into the pillow behind her, her lips parted in a silent scream as her legs shook uncontrollably and she gripped onto the head board behind her.

"Oh fuck yes!" She screamed, feeling the knot in her stomach come undone, the cum trickling down his tongue perfectly, hearing his groans at the sweet taste of her in his mouth, vibrating against her now sensitive heat.

"Taste this" She heard Remus mumbled huskily from below her as he lifted his head from between her legs and out of thin air Sirius appeared next to him, grabbing her boyfriend by the back of the neck and bringing him into a passionate kiss which just made her let out a small whimper of lust.

She could hear Sirius' groans from the taste of her on Remus' tongue, his brows gently furrowed and his slacks tightening, the shape of his large bulge in his pants very prominent.

Willow watched as Remus ran his hand down Sirius' stomach and palmed him through his trousers, his own bulge also very prominent.

"Is it my turn yet Moony?" Sirius whispered desperately against his lips as they both turned their heads to the girl who was biting her own bottom lip, her entire face dripping with lust at the two god-like men in front of her.

"Yes Padfoot...try and beat that" Remus smirked, pointing to the legs that were still trembling slightly.

"Oh I'll try" Sirius chuckled darkly, as he climbed on top of her, her hand immediately finding the back of his neck and bringing his lips down to hers, gasping into his mouth as he slid inside of her and-

"Earth to Willow!! Wake up!!!"

Her eyes shot open as two hands gripped her shoulders firmly and shook her awake.

Her eyes were wide and her breath was ragged, her face a bright red as she tried to calm down her raising heart and the pulsating between her legs.

"W-what...what's wrong?" She choked out, lifting herself up off the couch and being faced with a smirking George who stood back proudly and shook his head at her state, "Wait-why aren't you in school?"

"Oh that's the least of your concerns my dear girl...why do you look like that" he pointed to her face and her hands immediately flew up to her cheeks, trying to ease the blood to literally anywhere else but her face, "Having fun little dreams about old Professor Lupin were we?"

Yep. And his best friend.

"Sh-shut up George" she dismissed quickly, "Why aren't you at school?"

"Well...funny story actually" he winced, scratching the back of his head, "We um...we sort of blew the place up"

"You-YOU WHAT?!?"

"Not literally!!" He threw his hands up with wide eyes, "We just set off a bunch of fireworks and got expelled...it's not as if umbitch didn't deserve it"

"And-and what does your mum think about all of this?" She questioned, now pulling herself up and trying to ignore the wetness between her thighs as she conversed with the red head.

"She wasn't happy at first...but I wreckon she now thinks we are legends" George grinned bright as Willow scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah...I'm sure she does" she mumbled sarcastically.

"Right...well I just wanted to announce my presence...I'll leave you to go back to your saucy dreams" he smirked, wavy his hands in the air dramatically and spinning around, only to be faced with a rather large chest.

"What dreams were we having now dear?" Remus smirked, hands shoved in his pockets as he looked over George's shoulder to his girlfriend who had face palmed her forehead and shook it in annoyance.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum