Chapter one point five: The Journal of Marco Johnson

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Here’s What You’ve Missed on Death March to His Heart: The Prodigy and The Nobody:

When Jamie Thompson’s final year has come to a start, the day begins with the previous night’s inhumane murder of two teenagers who were supposed to be on their way to a ball. She became aware of the crime but immediately took her focus on her final year as she met her two friends, Keitharine Taylor and Mhegara Branch, who she hadn’t seen in the summer. As the Headmaster introduces new faces during the christening of new students, her attention was caught by the girl named Avalandra Hartnet and marked her mind on the guy who topped the Apprentice’s Trials who used to have created a huge impact on her past.



Thump… Thump… Thump…

Every step I take, every breath I breathe, I can clearly hear them.

            In a dark alley, where in every wall there are vandals, I fixed my dark coat and my red silk tie. I walked towards the old abandoned warehouse, a place where no one would ever take a guess that this would be the favorite meeting place of wealthy sons of well-known people. Inside the warehouse, five heirs from Gwendale High stood in a row waiting for us to arrive. In the middle, there stood the leader of their pathetic gang, Andrew Cabot who was merely faking a smile. I stood beside my two friends facing Cabot.

            “I’m so glad you came to my little party I’ve prepared just for you,” Cabot grinned. I smirked.

            “It’s always nice to see you and your little friends. And oh, I hope you don’t mind but I-uh brought some of my friends. They hella wanna join the fight. You sure you’re not hiding some back-ups behind ya?” he asked as he scanned the warehouse.

            “Don’t worry. The three of us is enough for all of you,” I said.

            Cabot faked a laugh, “You haven’t changed one bit. Still the rude Johnson I know. Well today, it’s the end of the line for you.”

            He ran towards me with his clenched fist ready to attack me. I bent my neck accordingly he lost his balance and dropped to the ground. Other delinquent started attacking my friends but they managed to defend themselves and fight back.

            Another from Cabot’s friends bravely attacked me. However, he missed his luck. Instead, he got hit by my fist. Cabot stood up once again though this time he didn’t use his fist against me; he used his leg. He shoved his leg like a kid. I gave him a scornful smile. I blocked his leg when I realized that he’s aiming to hit my face.

            In a moment, blood scattered everywhere. The warehouse’s ground was a mixture of blood and dust. The five heirs were lying on the floor with their face smothered as we stood in front of them. Cabot can barely open his eyes. He was bleeding badly.

            “Ah… Damn it! My nose is bleeding,” he whined as he wiped the blood. I turned my back and walked away.

            “Hey!” he shouted. “I’ll be watching your downfall,” he warned as he chuckled deafeningly.

            Outside the warehouse, a ray of sunlight hits my face. The punishment seemed to arrive earlier than I’ve expected. It was as if it’s punishing me for doing something bad in the morning. All of the sudden, a gentle wind came and the burning sensation was gone in a moment.

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