Chapter Three: High School Debut

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Here’s What You’ve Missed on Death March to His Heart: Crossroad:

            Things got worse as Jamie Thompson’s final year dragged on thanks to the terror/slacker professor Elizabeth Crossworth being her class’s mentor. Her best friend Nicholaus Hawkins revealed that he was seated next to Marco Johnson which means that her rival is also on the top section for boys but this time it was rumored that the legendary young professor handles the class! Another boundary, Isabel Simpsons is set to prevent our redhead’s victory with her pompom flinging and mean stinging personality who pushes Jamie to be the school’s wizard mascot. Will there ever be hope for this little red casualty?



            The sweet melodious chime from the tower welcomed everyone on the following day. The day hasn’t even started yet I already felt it crumbled and morphed into a bad one. With clenched fists, wide eyes and dropped jaw, she lured me in her ocean blue eyes on tenterhooks that I won’t go berserk. The last raven perched on the Japanese maple tree, completing the flock.

            “You did what?!” I shrieked, making everyone’s eyes turned upon us. I heard the birds flew in fright.

            “We signed you up for President,” she repeated sounding as if it’s not a big deal. I slammed my desk full of infuriation.

            “What?! How could you do this to me? I thought you were my friends! I can’t belie- I can’t believe were friends Keith. I can’t believe it.”

            I frantically paced back and forth not knowing what to do or what to feel. My best friends just made my life from worst to worsterest. And I wouldn’t care if there’s no such word.

            “Shhh!! Everyone’s looking at us,” Keith tried to calm me down but I remained exasperated. “You promised you won’t get mad, J.  So will you calm down and let us explain why we got you in this situation?”

            “Keith, are you insane? Save your explanation because no matter how hard you try to convince me, I can’t see your point at all. Who would want a loser in a Wizard Mascot to be their President?”

            “Uh, no one?” Marian answered as if it’s already obvious.

            “Thank you!” I cried in irony, pointing my finger on her. “Now will you please be a sweet girl and hammer the idea into my friends’ brain?”

            Marian distorted her face, looking revolted. Mhegan tried to soothe me, “Jamie, please calm down. We’re so tired of seeing you alone and be scorned at. I know how much you hated this social discrimination in this school but we want people to realize that the way they think about you is wrong. This is your High School Debut.

            Her charms worked on me like it always work on others, erasing the crease on my forehead.

“Alright. Who do you got for me?” hoping my opponent won’t be a BIG TIME.

Hesitating to answer, Keith’s eyebrows raised avoiding my stare. “It’s… Harvey Stevens.”

My jaw dropped, “Did you sign me up because you knew if he became President he’ll use his power to wrap you in his little finger?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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