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As we got home, our Parents were waiting for us to ask where we were cause the school had called, we told them that we woke up late and i also had a doctors appointment.

They accepted the apology, but still seemed mad. We tried our best not to start laughing and went upstairs to play a few videogames or do homework.

Lix started his PS4 and threw the controller to me "YAH don't throw stuff at me!" "HAHAHAH, sorry" we started laughing. We played for a few hours until Felix's Mom called us downstairs.

We all sat down at the Dinnertable, Lix's Mom brought the plates with tasty Food, to us and we started eating and talked.

After eating, we all watched TV, after probably an hour, we decided to invite my parents and spend time in the Backyard. It was funny and also comfy cause, their Backyard directly had a view to a sea and the sunrise. We watched the sunrise together and then my Parents and i went Home, i gave Felix a lil Good night Kiss and went home.

At Home i got ready for Bed, and straight up went to Bed.

-Time skip-Next Morning-

I woke up as usual and tried to get my phone which i couldn't find so i got up and turned on my lights. i grabbed my phone and went into the Bathroom and got ready for school. I then went downstairs to eat Breakfast and get going.

i met up with Lix as usual and we went to school. We got in class and the whole school day in general was normal, after school, we went to a Bakery to get Food, while we went there i had a strange feeling, of being watched. Everytime i turned around, i couldn't see anything. So i just walked with Lix, until i felt something against my head and then i blacked out...


321 words

Hii, i hope y'all are doing good and are healthy.

i wish all of you a good Morning/day/afternoon/Evening/night. <33

You're mine,Forever   {Felix x Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt