The Most Embarrassing Thing I've Done

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Teacher: If I asked you what the most embarrassing thing you've done, what would It be?

The Three tobot pilots walked home after class thinking about the most embarrassing thing they've ever done was:

Kory lit up, "I know!" he piped up,

 "the time I ate a butterfly" he exclaimed proudly.

"what!" Ryan shouted unable to contain his laughter

"How was that embarrassing?" Dylan asked

Kory continued his story,

"After I ate the butterfly I puked in front of my crush" 

Ryan cracked up and Dylan joined him in his laughter.

Kory blushed bright red then quickly shook it off, "what about you Ryan?" He teased, "any embarrassing moments in your life?"Kory shot Ryan a knowingly look.

Ryen's color drained from him, uh-oh, he knew what  Kory was talking about.......

"Well if you're not going to tell I might as well for you," Kory said and pretended to start talking to Dylan.

"OK OK! I'LL TELL!" Ryan exclaimed as a grin spread across Kory's face.

"I was at a restaurant" Ryan started.

"continue," Kory said beaming

"with Kory," He said.

"And I was admiring the waitresses shoes," he said his tone getting lower

"No, you weren't" Kory piped up,

"Kory shut up" Ryan yelled at him.

"Anyways, the waitress's boyfriend got mad at me...For no apparent reason," Ryan finished.

"Nooooo, that is NOT how the story went" Kory moaned.

"Ryan was staring at the waitress's legs" Kory exclaimed

"I WAS NOT!!!" Ryan said, turning red

"I was simply looking at her shoes!" Ryan yelled

"Mhm," Dylan said in a sarcastic tone.

"And her boyfriend yelled at Ryan," Kory said

"oof, That's what you get for staring at her legs," Dylan said,

"Dylan shut up" Ryan yelled at his friend.

"Dylan what about you," Kory said

"what about me" Dylan shuddered

"Stop stalking" Ryan yelled from behind them.

"TELL US WE BEG YOU!!!!!!" Kory pleaded,

"The time that....." He started

" I was in preschool and I couldn't pronounce my N's and M's well so I....."Dylan trailed off.

"asked Dolly for a snack and I pronounced N as an M so what I really said was,

can I have a smack?" Dylan turned red.

"so she gave me what I wanted, a smack, a hard smack" he finished.

Kory and Ryan laughed so hard as they walked home. 

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