sick Part 2

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The boy was hot and seemed to have a fever, 

as Dylan began to wake up he noticed that everyone was in the room.

"um...Good morning?" the boy mumbled as he began to get out of his bed

he was halfway off the bed when Limo put his hand on his shoulder,

"Dylan I want you to stay in bed, you have a high fever" most of the people in the room had left it was just limo Kory Ryan and Dr. Char.

"aw... dad by why?" the boy whined as he slid his headphones around his neck. Limo sighed,

"because you have a fever" Limo looked at his adopted child,

"I'm just trying to do the best for you, now lay here I'm going to make you tea" Limo looked at Ryan and Kory,

"don't let him escape, he's stubborn" he chuckled, Dr. Char left with Limo. 

As soon as the adults were out of view, Dylan jumped out of his bed. Ryan put his arm in front of the door in which the boy was trying to escape. 

"you have to stay here!" Ryan raised his voice but not too much.

"you guys are no fun" Dylan playfully pouted.

Ryan and Kory laughed at Dylan's ability to act so childishly, after the twins finished laughing Ryan offered to read Dylan something.

"so what do you want to read me?" said the boy wearing the headphones as he hopped into his bed. Ryan looked through his bag, suddenly mounds of books poured out from his bag and onto the floor.

Kory was the first to grab one,

"ooh look comics!" the boy grabbed five comics and started with the first one.

"look it's Marvel comics!" he grabbed more gleefully. Ryan looked at the pile of books laying on the ground, after fifteen minutes he found the perfect book; 'Physiology In Engineering' he walked over to Dylan's bed, he opened the book when he noticed the boy was fast asleep. 

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