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Yolo, I Decided to have a chapter in which the one piece characters do random things and speak to each other, After this Mini-Subplot I will try my hardest to start with Luffy's Memories starting with Shanks but that will be later on after that might as will be memories sometimes there will be a surprise amv or asmv but who knows.

Also Thanks to a comment I realized I need to send the OG BON-CHAN as Luffy says to the cast So Of course he will be added on the next one

This Time all the Cast will be here although Most of it will be centered around the Straw hats

Anyway Enjoy!


It was a quiet day... "Get Back Here You Bastard!!", Yelled Nami as she chased Rocky around the room while the others were either amused or just choose to ignore the the little chase

"ZORO HELP ME!" yelled Rocky as he ran as fast as his legs were able to move till he coward right behind Chopper who was shaking after seeing Nami in a rampage



Zoro Decided to take a walk after finding out that the place can rebuild any building if you go the right direction.  So he walked to the left direction to a maze in which Rocky placed to hide his control room.

As Zoro hit another dead end he had enough and decided to use violence and cut the whole field for him to walk any direction.  but as you can tell he broke the Control room but not knowing what he did he walked away frustrated due to his lack of Directions that he refuses to admit.


Back to Rocky

"SANJI, HELP!!" yelled both chopper and Rocky as Chopper accidently agreed with Rocky about her being Nami being scary in which she only smiled in response a Death sentence was ordered for them.

"YOHOHOHO, Looks like the two of them are going to the afterlife" said Brook as he was locked outside due to people getting scared and uncomfortable to be around.  How he was locked up was a mystery to Rocky since he thought nobody realized they could do that but once again who was he to talk, he was going to die for avoiding questions in his ghost form but now he could feel pain.

Robin decided to talk to the princesses and learn more about their countries histories while also occasionally taking a glance at Rocky and Chopper's attempt to save their lives.

Sanji was trying to talk to the girls in the room but in the end couldn't due to the fact that Zeff was restraining him and Judging his cooking while secretly being proud of Sanji but Sanji Didn't know that.

"Law Give Me a hug" Said Cora-san as he ran towards Law trying to make up for the lost time they didn't get to experience, while Law was avoiding his hugs He was secretly happy to see Cora-san.

Bepo on the other hand decided to talk to Franky about their crews and how Happy they are with their crews.

"SUPPPEERRR!!!" Yelled Franky giving out his signature Pose

"You Really think?" said Bepo not sure what to do 

"Were going to be allies lets have fun" said Franky


Adventures with Zoro... Directions

Huh... did I go this way already? though Zoro as he walked the same corridor for the past 30 minutes.  Unknowingly to him Tashigi and Hiyori were watching from afar and in different locations watching as the swordsman is totally lost.  Kuina who Decided to chase after Zoro Later found it more amusing watching the whole scene happen as she watched the 2 girls watching his rival.

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