percy gets mad

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*peaks from behind vibranium shield* Hello? I guess there isn't any excuses- actually no! I do have a good excuse this time (besides laziness). I have a back injury and have kinda been in pain for a while now and when I finally got it checked out professionally, they told me I had developed scoliosis from sleeping on my stomach. So, kids, remember, sleep on your side! 

Anyways, this chapter is a kinda short one, but a lot of character growth happens and relationships are formed and...stuff. So, yeah, I hope you guys like it! Comment, vote, follow, and + to your library! Stay safe and happy reading! 

- your author

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"So what do we know?" Annabeth asked as they reentered the meeting room from before.

Everyone else filed in and sat down before Steve answered her. "Well, the attacks seem to be random, but very damaging. The green fire is practically uncontrollable, and the terrorists have threatened to do something worse, with a lot more power. We have no way of tracking the attacks, and we're clueless on where to start."

Percy noticed that Annabeth had the crinkle between her brows again, which meant that she was thinking hard. So, he sat back in his chair and waited for her to figure this whole thing out.

"So you know nothing?" Jason asked, sitting forward and scanning through the information projected.

Annabeth was studying a map of the attacks, and her brain was on overdrive. She may not be able to throw fire, or fly, but she could figure out just about any pattern. This one didn't take long to find.

She hummed, "Not necessarily. I think I know the pattern of the attacks. Plus, we know how to deal with the green fire. Or, at least, Leo does."

Leo got a crazy grin, making Hazel extremely worried about what was going through his head. With him it could be anything.

"What's the pattern then?" Tony asked, obviously skeptical.

"Oh my gods," Percy muttered, realizing what the pattern was with horror.

"What? What is it?!" Tony exclaimed, clearly not enjoying being left out.

Percy and Annabeth seemed to be the only demigods who had figured it out, so they exchanged another silent conversation with each other. The only way to explain the pattern was to possibly let slip the gods' existence, and that was not an option. Annabeth thought that they should at least TRY to tell them, but Percy was adamant on not saying another word. He still wasn't completely trusting of SHIELD, and he had had even less interaction with the Avengers. He had absolutely no reason to trust them yet.

Finally, with one last chilling glare from Annabeth, Percy relented with a sigh and a nod. Everyone else in the room looked at them with either confused, or exasperated expressions.

"Those locations are all important parts of–our world. Clearly, someone is trying to send us a message, and it's not a nice one," Annabeth said.

"So these attacks...they're targeted at you guys? And the people there are only getting caught in the crossfire?" Natasha clarified, insinuating that this was the demigods' faults.

"We're trying to save them. This is not our fault," Frank said.

Percy's mind had already wandered away from the conversation. He was filled up with guilt. All those people, it was his fault.

His mind went back to that night at the Brooklyn Bridge. Percy had been so distracted saving the bridge that his thoughts slipped right past what Marlin had told him! He remembered what the mortal had been was so obvious now! They had been threatening the gods, and wanting them to reveal themselves! This really WAS all his fault. He could've stopped this way earlier if he had taken the time to notice everything.

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