Chap. 8

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After the chaper ended everyone went outside to eat. Everyone is to tired to talk and slept individually.

Then the next day they made a routine, the girls watching Walburga to her hair in fascination.

Then they went inside the room to see the Marauders wearing muggle clothes... but Sirius isn't wearing his signature black leather jacket, instead...

Marlene blushed as she sat near him.

Chapter 8- Journey to Platform Nine and Three Quarters

Everyone beamed "FINALLY!" James yelled and Lily laughed hugging him

Harry's last month with the Dursleys was incredible. They four went to the camp and the next two days later they went in Hawaii for two weeks. And help in Uncle Vernon's restaurant.


He decided to call his new owl Hedwig, a name he had found in A History of Magic. His school books were interesting, The twins and Gian love to pet Hedwig. He lay on his bed reading late into the night, even bought two with him on the trip to Hawaii, Hedwig swooping in and out of the open window as she pleased and bring back dead mice.
On the last day of August Harry and Dudley checked there suitcases if there are anything they didn't pack and load them in the pick up truck. Both slept earlier than the twins since they'll be heading of to London.
"I wonder why to go to the wizarding school by trains, don't they have flying brooms... or... are magic carpets a thing?" Uncle Vernon asked

"Yes, only a few in other countries since they're not popular as they were in the 18th century." Orion replied

"Ever ride one?" Sirius asked

"Yes, your grandfather destroyed it." Orion replied

"Hmm, want to try teaching History this year Mr. Orion?" Minerva asked

"No" he replied bluntly

"As far as I remember at my Hogwarts days, rumors said when Professor is still alive he let you skip class since you already knew the subject well"

"Praising me wont work Ms. McGonagall" He replied

"Well it will someday" Minerva said

"I wonder how Mr. Ghost act as a teacher before he died?" James act

"All I know he must've been boring" Sirius replied back

"I think that's in a Hogwart a History uncle, many did so but was caught by muggles. It was a tiring ritual to erase there memories, so a Minister of Magic before decided it will be best for muggles to make them a muggle transportation to fit in and erase there memory afterwards. I think they put a spell on the train to be hidden on the public eye." Harry said

"Well Lily... his your son alright." Alice said and Lily blushed

"Smart, but why didn't people notice owls on cages on the train station? Even I didn't remember" Vernon said
"Erasing memories or people just ignore some peoples business." Aunt Petunia said
"Something mum wouldn't do" Dudley whispered and Harry snickered.

Lily did the same

Harry woke up early and pulled on his jeans because he didn't want to walk into the train station in his wizarding robes--

"How about we try that next year?" Sirius asked

"No Mr. Black!" Minerva scolded

James grinned in agreement, Lily sigh.

Marauders era React (DIFFERENT AU) Harry Potter and The Philosophers stoneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu