Chapter Five

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Okay so peeps, the song up above is Ben Cook singing Top of the World from Tuck Everlasting. I put this on here for a couple of reasons. 1, because Tuck needs more love and the only way I can think of to get it that is by saying Ben Cook plays AKB's understudy as Jesse Tuck. 2, because he has a good voice. And 3, because I need an opinion from everyone who has seen Tuck. WHO SINGS IT BETTER, AKB OR BEN? I asked my friend and she can't decide. I'd say I think ABK does better, but I want to hear y'alls opinions, so please comment ahah. But like I totally get it if you don't. I probably wouldn't lol. I'm gonna shut up now and let you do your thing. Hasta la vista!

Trigger warning? (am I doing this right? Idek, I need some serious help ahah): mild panic attack at the start of the chapter.

One Week Later (After the strike)


"Jojo!" His sister's voice echoed in his mind. 

"Jojo, I need you to look at me. Jojo please!" Tommy Boy held his best friend's face between his hands as he tried to shake the boy out of his attack. 


Another gunshot. No cries of pain were followed by this one, as happened when a bullet struck Romeo, but Jojo winced, pulling away from Tommy Boy. 

"Jojo, c'mon. Jack! Jack, I need you!" In moments, the dark-haired boy was at Tommy Boy's side. 

"Jojo," he breathed. 

The boy's head was whirling. The fire, the explosion, the memories. He was gasping at the air, choking, drowning. 

He grasped at Lillie's hand. 

"I need my doll," the little girl said, pulling out of his grip. He caught her by the arm. 

"No Lillie, we need to go."

"No!" She wailed. "Our house!" She took off running back toward the burning building that was becoming less and less recognizable as the house he had lived in for all six years of his life. 





"Jack, we need to get him out of here!" Tommy Boy yelled above the noise. Jack was in a daze, unsure what to do, how to help his friend. It was moments like this that he wished Hot Shot were still here. 

Bang! Jojo let out a cry of pain. Not physical. But more often than not emotional pain hurts more than physical pain.

"Jack!" The boy gave a start.

"Tommy, get him outta here. Bring him back to da Lodging House, or something." Tommy Boy grunted in frustration, but slipped him arm under Jojo's shoulders and pulled him to his feet despite the boy's struggle. 

"Buttons! Go help Tommy!" Jack yelled. The boy rushed over and between the two of them, they managed to make it far enough away from the fight that the final gunshot was but a silent whisper drowned out in the overwhelming city noises. The two boys collapsed to the ground, their friend falling stiffly beside them. 

He breathed. In and out. In and out. The air began to slowly fill his lungs. He could breathe. 

"Jojo?" Tommy Boy asked. Him and Buttons shared a worried glance before shifting their attention to Jojo. 

"How many saw?" He coughed out. 

"Does it matter?"

"How many?" He repeated, urgency filling his voice. 

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