Chapter Nineteen

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Tommy Boy had thought he had seen every side of his best friend. 

He had seen Jojo's normal shy demeanor that came up every time they met someone new. 

He had seen Jojo's joyful laughter and carefree smile when sitting in the Lodging House with the rest of the boys. 

He had seen Jojo's broken heart and shattered spirit after a panic attack had stolen him away. 

He had seen Jojo's encouraging nudges to the younger newsies as he gave them tips for selling the latest paper. 

He had seen Jojo's grumpy morning personal when he was forced out of bed too early. 

But never, never had he seen Jojo touch someone with such gentle love as he did when he watched his friend carry Samantha halfway across New York, an expression so unreadable that Tommy Boy had to stop and make sure it truly was his friend that he was watching. 

The girl was asleep, her nose pressed against his chest, each breath she breathed, heavy. She looked awful, and based on the tight worry that laced Jojo's face, she probably wasn't any better mentally than she looked physically. 

"Jojo..." Tommy Boy began, not evening knowing how to continue. 

"Please don't," the boy sighed, looking exhausted. "She's coming to da Lodging House with us tonight. She can sleep in Caz's room again."

"Are ya sure she'd want dat?" 

"I don't care what she wants right now. Dis is what she needs." Tommy Boy glanced down at the girl once more, a whirlwind of dark scenarios running through his mind as to what could have caused the girl who seemed to be as strong as a rock to end up as she was. 

"What happened?"

"I don't know," Jojo muttered. Tommy Boy caught the fear in Jojo's eyes as he shifted Samantha in his arms before the brown-haired boy resumed his walk. 

"Is dis how ya found her?" Jojo nearly missed his footing as he hesitated, catching himself just in time, drawing a quiet peep from the sleeping girl. 

"No," he whispered, "but how she is now is much betta den she was when I found 'er."

"Jojo." Tommy Boy caught his arm. "What happened after ya found her?" The poor boy looked terrified, stuttering as he tried to find the words to express what had happened. 

"She, uh, she was in an alley, sittin', alone. In da dark. She, she was drunk. Mumblin' over an' over about how 'he' wasn't gone. When she finally recognized me-" Jojo paused for a moment to regain control of his thoughts "-She was so frightened dat I would be killed by someone who was followin' her." 

"Who's 'he'?"

"His name is Peter. He lived at da Refuge fa numerous years. Him and Sam were best friends. He was da one who told me ta go to da Refuge to learn about Sam's parents."

"Is he-" Tommy Boy didn't want to finish the question, but Jojo didn't need the ending. 

"He's gone."

"Did she tell you'se how?"

Jojo scoffed. "I almost couldn't get his name out a her. No, I don't have a clue." The two boys fell silent. 

Tommy Boy could tell his best friend was struggling. He could feel the confusion and agony radiating off the boy. 

"Jojo, you'se need ta breathe." 

The boy glanced up, surprise flickering through his eyes. "I'm-"

"You are not fine, and don't even try ta tell me ya are." 

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