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After Bonnie left, I let myself breathe, shaking slightly. 

That was the most danger I'd ever tempted. But instead of terrified, I felt strangely... alive?

I stared at the parchment, thinking hard. That name... Jaquesport. It felt oddly familiar, like a dream you can't quite remember. 

Deciding it was probably nothing, just another story, I let out a deep breath. Feeling fidgety and already thinking about Amelie, how she was doing, what had happened in the few hours since we'd left, was she alright?

Getting up and tucking the paper into the front of my dress, I walked down to the galley. 

The older woman, whose name I still didn't know, was peeling potatoes. 

"Hi, ma'am?"

She looked up. 

"Oh hello, Miss Harlow. What can I help you with?"

"Oh, actually, I was wondering if I could help you? My sister... and I'm just..." I trailed off, unsure of how to explain the feelings weighing me down. 

She smiled knowingly. 

"Of course dear. I'm Nell. If you want to help me peel these, it'd be greatly appreciated."

I nodded, rolling up my sleeves and moving over to help. She handed me a small paring knife. 

We worked in silence for a few minutes, and I was grateful to have something for my hands to do, but the silence was getting overwhelming. 

"If uh, you don't mind me asking, Nell, what on earth are you doing on this ship?"

She chuckled. 

"Now that is a long story I'm afraid we don't have time for. Suffice to say that I owe Captain Sparrow quite a lot."

I stared at her, fascinated. 

"Is he blackmailing you?"

She actually snorted, a sound that was jarring from her rather old body. 

"No, of course not! No, I'm just repaying a favour."


"He's quite a nice boy, you know."

I almost snorted at that.

"I'll believe that when I see it."

She smiled knowingly but didn't say anything else. We finished making supper in silence, and when we were done, I was sweating, arms aching and feet sore. I don't know how she did this every day all day. Despite that, I tucked the small knife she'd given me into the front of my dress as well. Just in case.

"Do you mind setting the table, dear?"

There was a small room I'd never actually noticed before tucked in behind the galley. There was a small table with more than ten chairs jammed around it. I put out the bowls, spoons and bread. 

Nell rang a big brass bell that was attached to a string. Rumbling footsteps echoed above us, and soon the crew was filing into the little dining room. 

I helped Nell serve everyone before sitting down beside Bonnie myself. I looked around at the crew, realizing that I only knew who about half of them were. Lots of them were looking at me strangely, which made sense. I'd barely left Maverick's rooms before this, the only other time being when I got flung off the boat. 

Bonnie looked at me, then at the crew. She nudged Maverick with her elbow and gestured to the cramped space.

"Lads, this is Florence Harlow, which I'm sure you all know. Miss Harlow, that's Ramsay and Bonnie, who you already know. That's Bastien, Ernie, Dalt, Charlie and Tim."

Bastien was the tall muscled man that had hurt Fletcher, Ernie was an older guy with a huge greying beard, Dalt was almost entirely tattooed, Charlie had a long black ponytail and Tim was tiny with spiky blond hair. Bonnie was the only girl other than me.

They all nodded, somewhat respectfully, at me. Dalt took a conspicuous look at my chest and Tim regarded me with a vaguely interested look, but most of them were more worried about their meals. 

"It's uh... nice to meet you," I said, all my confidence from earlier evaporated with the wind.

"Nice rack," Dalt said bluntly.

Ramsay sniggered. Maverick gave the pair of them a dark look, to which they both shut up quickly. 

Blushing uncomfortably, I looked down, crossing my arms self-consciously over my chest.

"Yeah, she's welcome to sleep with me," Charlie added, winking at me. 

I wanted to die. If I was left alone with all of them...

Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"You're all pigs."

"Alright, that's enough, all of you. Everyone back to work." Maverick sounded angry.

After they'd all left, I helped Nell with the dishes. 

"Try not to worry too much about them, dearie. I know they're all rather... crass, but they won't try anything. I know what the rumours are, but I promise, this crew won't touch nobody without permission."

I laughed mirthlessly. 

"I have a hard time believing that, but thanks."

After we'd finished cleaning up, I went back to Maverick's rooms, hoping to avoid everyone for the rest of the night. Maybe an hour later, he entered the room slowly. 

The silence was deafening. Feeling awkward but still compelled to speak, I turned to face him.

"Thank you. For Amelie."

He didn't move from his spot on the bed, facing away from me. He barely gave an indication that he'd heard me. It was only when he took off one of his boots that I realized what was happening. 

He was going to sleep in here. With me. 

First of all, I was still technically engaged. Secondly, he was a pirate who was keeping me on this boat indefinitely, third of all, I'd never... I mean, I had barely been allowed to talk to boys back home, let alone share a bed with one. 

"What are you doing?" my voice came out in a squeak as I stood up and backed away from the bed. 

"This is my bed. I'm going to sleep in it."

I blanched. 

"I... um...."

He looked at my face for a second before rolling his eyes. 

"I don't bite."

"I'm not sharing a bed with you. I'm engaged."

He heaved a sigh before getting up, mumbling. 

"You are incredibly lucky that I'm so generous. First I give up my bed for you and your sister, now because some old man across the sea has ownership. Fine."

He got up and stormed out of the room, leaving nothing but his hat behind.

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