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"Is it just me, or does the Captain look pissed today?" Tim slid in beside where Charlie and I were sharpening our swords. 

I glanced up to where Maverick stood at the wheel, repeatedly glaring between the map in one hand and the compass in the other. 

"When is he not pissed?" I replied jokingly. 

Charlie chuckled while Tim shook his head. 

"Something's frustrating him. I just hope he still knows where we're going."

"I'm sure he has a plan." 

They both looked at me, a little surprised. I was surprised at my own faith in the man who I was still trying to convince myself I hated. 

"What? He's the captain for a reason, right?"

Tim nodded. 

"Fair enough. I just hope these waters don't decide it's time for another warning."

We all shuddered, the memory from the day before still very present in everyone's minds. 

"Hey, Tim I sure hope you're doing something useful!" Bastien called from the back of the ship where he was dealing with some of the weapons. 

"Yep of course!" He winked at us and scurried away. 

Charlie barely seemed to notice, staring wistfully off. I followed his gaze to where Bonnie was laughing with Dalton. 

"You should tell her."

He jolted and looked at me, blushing furiously. 

"I- what? Tell who- I don't-"


He sighed.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Bonnie glanced at us and waved cheerfully. 

Charlie dropped his head into his hands and groaned. 

"I just can't. She's so... and I'm..."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"She could laugh in my face and tell me to go for a long walk off a short plank."

I snorted at the genuine sadness on his face. 

"Oh come on Charlie, she would never say that."

He looked at me, eyes wide.

"You can't tell her!"

"Tell who what?" 

I looked up to see Bonnie standing over us with her hands on her hips.

Charlie rearranged his face to its normal expression.

"None of your business, right Florence?"

I rolled my eyes. 

"Right, Charlie."

He nodded and got up, mumbling something about Nell before practically running away from us. 

"What on earth was that about?"

I shrugged, feigning confusion. 

"Who knows?"

She pressed her lips together. 

"You're a worse liar than I am."

I blew her a kiss and sauntered away. Charlie was gonna have to tell her the truth at some point, but I wasn't going to pick that time, he was. 

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