Training and the letter

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Yo what's up guys,here I am back with a new chapter,it will have the training in a timeline so enjoy.

Ash:So I have to train my pokemon along with my body huh?let's do this then, right Pikachu.


(A/N:Oh yeah before I forget arceus told Ash to train for four years)

Year 1

It's been a year since Ash had started training alongside his pokemon he have become quite powerful and some of his pokemon who refused to evolve, agreed to evolve such as bulbasaur evolved into ivysaur, Squirtle evolved into wartotle,and others.he had also caught some new pokemon too which are a Eevee,a riolu(shiny), and a dartini which came from a egg he found in a cave.Ash lost his most of the baby fat and have grown upto 5'7.meanwhile his mother when read the letter immediately contacted the police who are looking for him all the places,the news of Ash missing had spread to all the region where only some of his true friends are woried about him.

Year 2

This year was quite tough for Ash as he was training his legendary Pokemon and was sparing them with his ace team which contained Charizard,sceptile, lucario, greninja (which was with Ash as their was no kalos crisis), Pikachu,garchomp (yep gible evolved).one day while roaming in the forest he found a egg which surprisingly contained a bagon.
Meanwhile after finding nothing but Ash's cap full of cuts they declared him dead and held a funeral for him in which many people came ,his mom after hearing the news was crying mess ,his "friends" were not sad at all except serena and gary and some of his real friends (oh yeah I forgot to inform that Brock was not with the traitors as he was in different regions while it happened so he was sad too)but little did everyone knows that he will come back as a whole new Ash Ketchum

Year 3

The news of a powerful trainer being on the top of mt silver have been all over the regions many people have tried to go to the top of mt silver and battle him but only a few strong trainer's were successful because of the Harsh climate and the powerful Pokemon living their.but the once who battled him all lost Ash,he was slowly taking down the evil organisations first team plasma,then team Galactic followed by team Magma,team aqua,and lastly and the most powerful one team rocket. during this time he also found a region named alola and was planning to go there next year. meanwhile the pokemon league have been planning on conducting a big tournament.

Year 4

Ash's all pokemon have evolved and he have many new pokemon too.
This year Ash went to alola region took the island challenges and also won the newly formed alola league making him the first champion of alola he then picked his elite four which contained:

Lillie first elite four (ice type)

Mallow second elite four (grass type)

Kiawe third elite four (fire type) and

Gladion last elite four (dark type)

(A/N:he won the league on the name of aaron Satoshi)

Present time (No one's POV)

On the top of mt silver standing a man  with a jackal with silver fur and a yellow mouse on his shoulder,the man aaron Satoshi better known as Ash Ketchum with his lucario and Pikachu. Suddenly he felt something coming towards them,then lucario took a fighting stance.

"It's just a pidgey relax silver".Ash said his lucario.

Lucario then relaxed but still kept his guard on as the pidgey sat on Ash's hand gave him a letter and flew away.
Ash then opened the letter and read.

Dear Aaron Satoshi,

                       We are honoured to invite you to the "pokemon world championship" it's a tournament were the best trainer all over the world come it's includes champions and their elite four the rest of the details will be given in the pokemon center.

The league president,

(P.S:goddamnit Ash it took me all of my resource to find you,you are one hard man to find,but anyways I know what your 'friends' did don't worry they will be there to so you can prove yourself see you at the tournament)

After reading the letter Ash Chuckled.

"So he found me huh"said Ash

"So are we going master"asked lucario through aura

"Yeah Ash let's go we can prove ourselves" said Pikachu

"Yes we are going ,and lucario how many times have I told you not to call me master"asked Ash

"1728 times exactly master" answered lucario

Ash sighed in defeat, as Pikachu was laughing at his trainer

"Gathered everyone it's time for Ash Ketchum to return to the world, revenge is gonna be sweet"

And cut. That's it for this chapter guys hope you enjoyed make sure to vote and comment your suggestions oh yeah don't forget to follow me for updates and if you haven't then check my other book out.see you in the next chapter bye.(word count:460)

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