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A/N: I'm changing up formats for stuff cause i'm too lazy to go back and check how everything was done :>

unknown number

It's Minho, I got your
number from Jeongin
Or well I sort of stole
his phone to get your

'saved number as
minho ♡︎'

i really don't doubt that
you stole his phone tbh
that boy leaves it everywhere
and he doesn't even have a passcode
on it-  watch he's going to lose it one
day and it's going to be a lost cause

I keep telling him to put a password
on it but he doesn't listen to me
Well it's his loss if he doesn't and he
does lose it
But on another topic, are you free tomorrow?

Uhhh i think i am?
I don't think chan is going to
the studio so inshojdkbe free
i should be*
excuse my typos- i'm trying here

You're adorable sometimes
But just confirm tomorrow if you have
something to do or not
Because if you don't then I'm going to
be at your house by 1 pm and you
better be ready
Oh and dress comfortably
It'll be windy tomorrow so make
sure to wear layers
read 6:29 pm

jisung stared down at the messages appearing one by one from minho. a blank expression was drawn across his face as he read each word over and over again.

"wait a minute.... wait a damn minute... is it..... a date????" jisung squawked and threw his phone onto the other side of his bed as he threw his pillow across the room almost knocking down his computer monitor. a quick curse left his mouth before making an 'oops' face and then going back to thrashing around on his bed.

"shit i should probably text him back... i left him on read"

message from minho♡︎

Are you squealing? I can
sort of imagine you panicking
and like throwing things around.

maybe i was-
maybe i wasnt-
anygAys i'll be ready
don't worry
imma get ready for bed

You definitely were
but go get ready for bed
you're gonna need a lot
of energy for tomorrow
Also call me when you're done
I'm bored and I need company
read 6:42 pm

jisung choked on his saliva at the others words, or course he probably was just not thinking properly cause that definitely wasn't what minho meant.... right? shaking his head. jisung ditched his phone on his bed and went to clean up for the day.

it had only taken about 25 minutes for the male to walk out of his bathroom, oversized shirt covering the shorts he was wearing. a towel hung over his damp hair as he turned off the light to the bathroom and closed the door.

flopping down onto his bed, jisung picked his phone back up, plugged it in and immediately pressed on his messages with minho. the boy hesitated for a moment, thumb hovering over the button that would facetime minho.

swallowing his nervousness, jisung pressed the icon, and watched as his own face appeared on screen, the dial tone filling his dimly lit room. it only took about a minute but minho had suddenly appeared on jisungs screen, hair dripping and face still damp with small water droplets.

"oh.. did i call too early?" jisung tilted his head as he glanced at himself in the small corner of his phone to make sure he looked okay. minho had his phone pointed up from a low angle, showing basically the bottom of his chin, footsteps were heard and with the movement of the camera, jisung could tell that minho was walking up some stairs.

"no you're good, i just got out when you called so it was perfect timing." a light switch sounded from minho's end of the call, and the dark screen grew brighter, lighting jisung's face in turn. minho had finally turned to look at his own phone, smiling gently at jisung and setting his phone down.

jisung hated to admit it but minho looked extremely good without makeup on, which made the shorter male slightly insecure about what he looked like to the other right now. "oh oh okay, just making sure. so what are we doing tomorrow?"

minho had been towel drying his wet hair when jisung asked his question, causing the male to stop and look down at the phone. "that's a secret~"

A/N: so what do y'all think they're gonna do 🤔

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