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Just a quick a/n, it's been quite a while and i reread the last two chapters but some things might not click properly so apologies in advance. i'll try my best 😔

it didn't take long for the two males to arrive at the first floor, minho leading them both out to his car. the two males both hopped in, music tuned into a random radio station that was playing on a low volume. the model had kept the car on since he didn't expect to wait long for the shorter one.

pulling out from the complex's parking lot, minho made their way to... well wherever their first destination was. jisung still had yet to know since it seemed as though the other wanted everything to be a secret. jisung let his had lean against the window, hands tucked away in between his thighs, fingers intertwined. there was a comfortable silence that fell over them, the squirrel looking male staring out the window, eyes following the surroundings trying to put together where they were heading.

meanwhile the minho was constantly checking the time although it was only secret glances that wouldn't catch the others attention. after a few minutes had passed, he casually turned up the radio.

"up next we have a song submitted by an anonymous with a note saying 'this is for a squirrel.. please don't laugh.'"

jisung hasn't noticed yet but his foot was casually tapping to the relaxed beat that began playing. minho who had been slightly nervous was now chewing on his bottom lip, fingers tapping against the steering wheel quietly.

"Cause I like you
There's no other reason, I like you
When I watch you smile, there's nothing more I could ask for
'Cause I just like you

You can lean on me
Until your cloud of worries disappear from your clear eyes
What's giving you such a hard time?
I'm serious, I'd rather hurt instead of you
Seeing you smile makes me happy
Even though you look the prettiest when you smile
When you just wanna cry, don't fake a smile"

it still hadn't clicked in the males head, but he thought the lyrics were cute and the beat was nice which caused his body to sway just the slightest. however things began to process as he began to actually listen to the voices. however he didn't say anything because he could have been wrong and he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Your eyes filled with happiness, yeah
Are water that will spill even with the slightest jolt
That's why I'm more cautious, no
I'm worried for you 'cause I like you (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

I wanna be with you all day
Without mood swings, full of laughter
You cried yesterday but I'm glad you feel better
The sparkling tears in your dewy eyes are diamonds
I like your honest expression
I like that you're not good at hiding your facial expressions
So don't conceal it
You know better how much harder it is

I just really love you
You're the only reason why I really love you
When I see you smile I just can't get enough
And I can't live without you
Baby I just really love you"

[A/N ik the song (cause i like you) is originally sung by felix and changbin but for the sake of this it'll be chan taking over changbins parts and minho doing felix's parts]

the song was now over and as the radio show host began to speak, being drowned out as white noise. one of the boys was tapping his foot anxiously, knee bouncing up and down as he looked anywhere but to his right side. on the other hand jisung had his mouth slightly open, wanting to say something but not actually sure what to say.

"was that.... was it just me or did... one of them sound like, well there's no way you'd know what chan hyung sounds like so nevermind ignore me. i'm just crazy." jisung shook his head slightly trying to rid his mind of the thoughts. it couldn't have been chan... but it sounded so similar to him, but then who was the other one if it was? it wasn't seungmin that was for sure.

minho couldn't take it anymore his anxiety was flying through the roof. "did you like it? it was a nice song in my opinion.. right?" jisung only let out a hum since he was still stuck in thought. it was bugging him so he decided to ask.

"did you perhaps have something to do... with that?" now that jisung thought about it, it sounded a lot like an in progress track that chan had shown him a while back. jisung even gave him some tips on it.

minho cleared his throat at the question, heating up a little from how flustered he was. "maybe... i wanted to do something special to start the day. and so uhm i had asked chan with the help of jeongin of course since i didn't know how to ask him. and well we showed me a track and we wrote some lyrics together. uhm this was the first time i've ever done something like this so i was hoping you know... you wouldn't laugh since you're professional and all that. you know?"

the male was obviously rambling from his nervousness but jisungs silence afterwards had him even more of a wreck. he glanced over just for a second to find the male staring down at his hands seemingly in thought.

minho opened his mouth to speak but he decided against it. there was an audible sniffle that caught his attention and he panicked, looking over after making sure they were safe. without any hesitation he pulled off to the side, his hazard lights immediately put on and he leant over to check on the other.

before he could even say anything, he was pulled into an awkward embrace, having to lean over the middle console of the car. no matter, minho hugged the other tightly.  jisung pulled away after a second and wiped his tears before the other could. "i loved it. it was touching, cheesy but touching. never have i ever had anyone write me something like that." jisung gave the other a bright smile, minho letting out a sigh of relief. cupping the shorter males face in his hands he aimed a small kiss to the others forehead. "you're precious, but hey that was just the beginning i have so much more planned for today so get your beautiful heart ready."

Wellllll shiiiii that was a long one- over 1k words woooo and it's only the start of their date-

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