27. Lady Bai Paves the Way

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As Mo Yixuan and Nan Wuyue watched, the driver of the carriage drew the reins on the horses and halted. Moments later, a dainty little servant girl dressed in fresh yellow skirts emerged from the ride and descended to the ground. The teashop owner saw her heading towards the tables and hastily went up to greet her.

"Does the honored customer require a seat?" he asked. Obviously, his words were meant for the occupant still inside the carriage.

"Not today, thank you," the servant girl bowed politely before turning to head straight for Mo Yixuan's table.

The two Daoists watched as she stopped and curtseyed politely to them both. "Good afternoon. My mistress has instructed me to inquire whether these two are esteemed Daoists hailing from the Middle Realm?"

When Mo Yixuan nodded, the servant girl brightened and bowed again before taking out a brocade pouch.

"My mistress has offered to cover your tab at this teashop, if these two Sir Daoists would care to accompany her for a private meeting?"

Nan Wuyue looked at her doubtfully, but Mo Yixuan was already rising to his feet. "No need to pay for such a trifling thing. We'll join her shortly."

The servant girl thought it over before agreeing. After all, her mistress had only told her to ensure the two Daoists came back with her, not insist on paying the tab. Most of the time, it was better to let those Middle Realm cultivators do as they pleased.

As she led the way, Mo Yixuan followed while Nan Wuyue quickly took out a few coins from his pocket and threw it on the table as payment for the tea. Curious stares followed them as well as whispers, with Old Song's group being among them.

"Eh? Those two are cultivators, aren't they?" the clear-eyed man spoke up first.

"Maybe they're from the Su daughter's sect?" Bushy Brows wondered.

"Why would they drop by and not bring her along?" Old Song crossed his arms.

"Oh! Unless they're here to ask for her hand in marriage?!" Bushy Brows exclaimed. "Those types, they've got those—what you call them—Dao companions, don't they?"

Old Song rapped him on the head. "Idiot! Who would ask at a time and day like this? Even I'm waiting a week before poppin' the question to my darlin'!"

As Bushy Brows nursed his throbbing skull, his companion nodded thoughtfully. "That's right. Leaving aside Old Madam Su's illness, tomorrow's the Ghost Festival..."

A most inauspicious date.

Mo Yixuan wasn't surprised when the servant girl raised the curtains of the carriage door to reveal the woman sitting inside. She was a stunning beauty in her thirties dressed in a silken blue dress. Her hair was rich and dark, piled in an elegant twist upon her head. She wore intricate accessories accented with semiprecious stones and held a round silk fan in her hands to keep away the heat. Most arresting were her pair of sharp eyes accented with scarlet eyeshadow. They glittered like firelight on her face, intelligent and shrewd beneath her pencil-thin brows. A faint scent of peonies mixed with medicinal herbs hung in the air as he and Nan Wuyue took a seat across from her.

"Daoist Mo of Star Pavilion Sect greets Lady Bai," Mo Yixuan cupped his hands. "And this is my disciple, Nan Wuyue."

The current Lady of Su Manor acknowledged both of them with a smile as she leisurely fanned herself. "Ting'er, tell Old Li to take the scenic route back," she called out to the servant girl, her voice low and delightfully rich.

"Yes, mistress." The servant named Ting'er (葶儿) obeyed before dropping the curtains. She would be sitting outside with the coachman while her master spoke with her guests.

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