Part 3

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It had been 6 hours since Genna was shot. As soon as Leon allowed it, Sasha posted herself at Genna's bedside and held on to her hand for dear life. She was starving and too exhausted to function but none of that mattered. Genna needed her and Sasha needed to know that her best friend was going to make it through this.

"You really should consider getting some rest, Sasha," Leon said. "I don't suspect Genna's status will change much in the next few hours."

"I can't," Sasha said, tightening her grip around Genna's hand.

"It won't do her any good if you end up passing out from sleep deprivation. I only have enough supplies to focus on one patient at the moment," Leon said with a gentle smile.

After a nod of reluctance, Sasha planted a kiss on her best friend's forehead and left the room.

"Kicked you out?" Damon asked. He was sprawled across the sofa with his eyes closed and hands tucked behind his head, casually emphasizing his muscular arms. 

"In the most polite way possible," Sasha replied. A smile seeped across Damon's face forcing Sasha to return it with a slight grin.

She had forgotten how sexy he was when he smiled. People have said that there were women in history whose looks have incited wars. Though Sasha couldn't be sure Damon had ever been responsible for provoking violence with his appearance, he was guilty of parading a hypnotic smile that could charm anyone into doing whatever he wanted them to do when he wielded it. Sasha remembered it being his weapon of choice against her whenever they argued. Needless to say, many if not most of their passionate debates typically resulted in tireless lovemaking.

"Don't take it personally. He hates a crowded workspace," Damon replied.

"If he was any sweeter in his approach, he would've given me cavities," Sasha replied folding her arms across her chest.

"Ah, his fatal flaw," Damon said.

"What's that?" Sasha asked.

"He's abnormally polite, even when he shouldn't be," Damon said sitting up.

"Guess I'm not used to being around a traditional gentleman," Sasha quipped.

"Hmm," Damon replied grinning.

"What was the 'hmm' for?" Sasha snapped.

"Figured your 'groom-to-be' would've been the traditional gentleman type," Damon said.

"He is!" Sasha replied. Her retort was so quick it sounded more like a defense than the firm statement she meant it to be. Damon's laughter at her reply only fueled her growing frustration.

"Sure he is," Damon said grinning.

"I don't have to prove how amazing Luis is to you," Sasha replied.

"No, you don't. You just have to keep proving it to yourself, apparently," Damon retorted.

"I am in love with him and can't wait to marry him! He is the most amazing man I've ever been with!" Sasha blurted.

"Really?" Damon replied laughing.

"Really," Sasha replied, attempting to come across more composed. Damon walked over and stood in front of her.


He was in her danger zone, again. His closeness was her kryptonite. Anytime he was near she swore she could feel herself melting into the ground.

"That's a fact?" Damon murmured. Suddenly, Sasha's mouth became dry and she found herself in dire need of something to drink. She quickly cleared her throat to mask her heavy breathing.

Never Again, Tomorrowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें