Part 1

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As soon as she glanced over her shoulder, there he was. Staring at her as if he were seeing her for the first time. She felt her heart stop and drop down into her chest. Knots of anguish and excitement tightened around her lungs, immobilizing her in a  moment she was desperate to escape. How was here? It had been five years, one continent, and a plethora of martini-filled conversations resulting in meaningless sexual encounters between them, until this moment. She was standing on a yacht in the middle of the ocean and the taxi boat wouldn't return for another 45 minutes.


Before he could take a step in her direction, she abruptly excused herself from the fatuous exchange and pushed through what felt like an iron wall of people. In haste to escape the ghost of ex-boyfriends past, she tripped on the stairs leading toward the top deck, nearly tumbling out of her Jimmy Choos. Relief washed over her as she looked around to discover she was alone with only her embarrassment to keep her company. Tossing back her head of fallen wand curls, she inhaled a deep breath of salted air. A nearly perfect night was in her midst until...

"Thought you'd be here," a deep voice said from behind. A chill glossed over her body, exposing her vulnerability. She hated that the sound of his voice still had an effect on her.

Hold it together.

"Just taking in the night air," she replied attempting to mask her discomfort in a false sense of cool confidence.

"Really? And here I was thinking that you were running from me," he said.

"I don't—I wasn't running from you. Just ending an insignificant encounter."

Why am I explaining myself? She screamed inside. She owed him nothing and once again, she found herself giving him everything he never asked for.

"You of all people should know that I hate wasting my time," she continued in an effort to save her dignity.

"You're free to talk, then?" he pressed.

"Actually, you're about five years too late but, feel free to schedule an appointment with my assistant. I'm sure she can find a spot for you somewhere in hell," she said with a sarcastic grin.

"Guess, I deserve that," he said. No kidding.

"I just wanted a moment to—," he started.

"Don't. You don't get to do this," she said. She gripped the rail tighter to keep herself from dropping to the floor due to the wave of emotional instability rushing over her. The drastic shift in mood put her in flight mode and the thought of jumping into the ocean seemed a much easier task to handle than dealing with the six-foot, hard-bodied tsunami behind her.

"Don't what? Don't tell you how badly I fucked up?" he probed. She spun to face him.

"Don't waste your breath, Damon," she replied. She started to walk past him but he quickly stepped in her path.

"Move," she said avoiding his gaze. Don't look in his eyes, don't look in his eyes...

"No," he responded.

"Move or I'll—" she started.

"No," he replied. "Not until I tell you everything I've been wanting to say to you, what I should've said to you that night."

He was so close, she could feel his breath on her cheek.

"I'm sorry," he said just before he gripped her face and kissed her. The moment their lips disconnected, she slapped him. Hard.

"Is everything ok, Sasha?"

Sasha looked up to find a deliciously handsome man, dipped in Tom Ford, glaring at the awkward pair.

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